028 (Billie Eilish)

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Y/n is 16 Billie is 21 (Y/n's mom adopted her,Y/n G!P)

~Y/n pov~
"hun!" my mom yelled "yes?" i asked loudly "come downstairs and meet your step-mom!" she said i groaned *another one great* i thought i walked downstairs my jaw dropped *billie eilish being my step-mom fuck i'm gonna die* i thought "hey Y/n its so nice to meet you your mom told me so much about you" she said "i i uh its nice to meet you too" i stuttered my mom smiled.

"can i go into my room?" i asked my mom nod i rushed to my room as i let myself fall down on my bed i called my best friend "yes?" she asked i noticed her hair is messy and she is in a bra i gulped "am i disturbing you?" i asked "no well,kinda but what is it?" she asked "i'm sorry but help me" i said "why?" she asked "you know billie?" i asked she nod "she is my step mom now" i said.

"omg really?" she asked i nod there was a knock my bed was next to my door and i put my phone so you can see the door "yes?" i asked Billie walked out "can we talk?" she asked i nod she sat down in front of me my friend muted herself i know she is screaming because Billie is here "your mom told me you have a crush on me" she said i groaned "why does she ahs to do it everytime" i whined.

"its okay uh but..." she began "look you are really cute" she said i gulped "i know i know you're my step-mom now" i said she nod i smiled "anything else you'd like to talk about?" i asked "how old are you again?" she asked "16" i said she nodded she stood up and kissed my forehead and left "girl she kissed your forehead" my friend said i nod as i starred onto the place where Billie sat.

"but uh can i come over in 10 minutes?" she asked "so you can see Billie?" i asked she nod i laughed "yeah come" i said she smiled and hung up.

i waited outside "Y/n/n!" Joli said i smiled she hugged me i hugged back we walked in "hey Joli" my mom said "hey Hazel" she said i smiled Billie came downstairs i smiled she smiled back she sat down on the couch next to my mom "uii what are you watching" i asked "Stranger things" my mom said i gasped "without me?!" i asked my mom chuckled Joli and i sat down i sat next to my mom and Joli next to me.

~4 hours later~
i cuddled up to my mom she looked down at me i looked up "what?" i asked "you okay?" she asked "yeah just want to cuddle" i said she smiled i looked back at the tv "why don't you cuddle with me" Joli frown i rolled my eyes and chuckled i moved and cuddled up to Joli she smiled and held me close i know she has a crush on me and just having hook ups with other persons to get over me but its not helping.

~in the night~
i looked at the time i gasped Joli looked at me "its 4am" i whispered as i looked at my mom and billie cuddled up sleeping i stood up so did Joli i took a blanket and put it over them i smiled i took Joli's hand and went with her to my room "they're so cute" she said i nod.

i yawned "come" she said pulling me to her i cuddled up to her as i fell asleep.

~Billie pov (next day)~
i woke up with a blanket over me and my girlfriend i know i fell asleep without one Y/n walked down "good morning billie" she said i smiled "morning" i said "slept good on the hard couch?" she asked i slightly nod she smiled "oh and i put the blanket over you because i saw your confused look" she said "oh thanks" i said she smiled.

~Y/n pov~
i walked back into my room i cuddled up to Joli as she was still sleeping its 3pm but i know she is a long sleeper i kissed her forehead she slowly woke up i smiled sje smiled back she cuddled into me i smiled i held her close "but why don't you give me a chance" she whispered "i don't know you are cute and stuff like that but i just see you as my friend i'm sorry" i said "its okay" she said.

i know i hurt her and it hurts me just to tell her that i don't feel the same.

~4 years later~
"Y/n" Billie said as she rushed into my house i jumped "what?" i asked "i'm pregnant" she said i gulped "does my mom know?" i asked she nod "do you think its mine like uh you know" i said "it is yours" she said i gulped "did you told my mom?" i asked she nod "shit is she mad?" i asked she shaked her head "but but how like we had sex and you cheated on her with her daughter" i said she nod.

"i explained it to her after we hooked up" she said my eyes widen "and she didn't broke up" i asked "well, she did" she said "what why didn't you told me?!" i asked she shrugged i sighed "you know if its a boy or a girl?" i asked "its a boy" she said i sighed "why didn't you asked me to go with you?" i asked she shrugged i sighed she hugged me i hugged back.

"i love you Y/n/n" she said "i love you too Billie" i said.

~2 years later~
Billie Eilish caught holding a baby boy is it hers or not? "well that was fast" i said she nod "you want to tell them?" i asked she nod i smiled i took Leo he chuckled i smiled i sat down i laid him on my legs as i tickled him he laughed and kicked with his feets i smiled i stopped i looked at Billie she recorded us i rolled my eyes Leo clinged on me "are you gonna cover his face?" i asked she nod i smiled.

A/N:i just wrote it for my gf :)

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