038 (Laura Prepon)

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Y/n is 30 Laura is 43

warning: mention of Rape 

~Y/n pov~

i stood at the trainstation waiting for my train soon it came i sigh i walked in searched my seat i found it and sat down after 30 minutes the train stopped and a woman walked to me "is this seat taken?" she asked "no you can sit i don't mind" i said she smiled.

she sat down i set my headphones up again and watched edits of oitnb i bit onto my lip biting the skin off soon i taste blood i put my finger on my lip i sigh the woman hand me a tissue i smiled "thanks" i said she nod i put the tissue on my lip.

i set my headphones down i looked at the woman "god fuck me" i mumbled Laura chuckled "i see you are a huge fan of orange is the new back?" she asked "yeah" i mumbled she chuckled we continued talking "where are you headed too?" she asked "to my family haven't seen them in a while and you?" i asked.

"i'm drving to Taylor" she said "piper or taylor swift?" i asked she chuckled "piper" she said i chuckled and nod then it was silence she finally speak up "how old are you if i may ask" she asked looking at me "30" i said "have a family?" she asked "yeah a 15 year old daughter" i mumbled "you got her with 15?" she asked "yeah" i said.

"where is she?" she asked i pointed at the girl behind us "she hates me" i mumbled "why?" she asked "i don't know she just doesn't talk with me at all" i said she nod i looked at my phone "who the fuck are you talking to?!" my daughter wrote i sigh 'Laura Prepon' i wrote 'hm okay' she wrote.

i sigh i turned my phone off we continued talking soon we got there "Y/n?" Laura asked as i walked away i looked back "can i have your number?" she asked "sure" i said i hand her my card with my number on it she smiles "thanks i'll text you" she said i nod.

i walked with my daughter to my mom they hugged i smiled my niece jumped on me i held her up "hey sunshine how are you?" i asked "good!" she said i smiled.

~Laura pov~

i watched Y/n's daughter hugging her grandma Y/n looks sad a little girl jumped on her i smiled "aww is Laura in love?" Taylor teased "shut up" i said she laughed.

Y/n looked at us she smiled i smiled back Y/n set the little girl down and slowly walked to us "you okay?" i asked she slightly shrugged "kinda but why were you staring at me?" she asked i gulped "she is in love with you" Taylor said.

"Taylor!" i said she laughed Y/n just smiles "that's cute" she said i smiled "mom!" her daughter said she sighs "i'm coming, text me" she told me i nod she hugged me i hugged back "it was nice meeting you" she said and rushed off.

i sigh "whats wrong?" Taylor asked "her daughter hates Y/n" i said she nod sadly "Y/n deserves better" i whispered.

she smiles "her daughter doesn't know what happened" i said Taylor looks at me confused "Y/n got raped by step-dad" i whispered her eyes widen "does her mom know?" she asked i nod "they broke up" i said she smiled.

we walker to her house.

~1 week later~

we walked around "mom no!" someone said i looked around Y/n and her daughter "no i don't want to talk to you!" her daughter said "Robin just listen to me!" Y/n said Robin crossed her arms "talk" Robin said.

Y/n talked for a long time eventually tears leaving her eyes i gulped Robin stood there frozen "you can ask your grandma if you don't believe me" Y/n said Robin just stood there frozen.

Y/n looked at me she froze she looked back at Robin "please just stop hating me i can't take the feeling anymore of my daughter hating me!" Y/n said Robin just hugged her tight "i'm so sorry" Robin said.

Y/n hugged back i smiled Y/n looked at me she smiled at me i smiled back she mention for me to go there "you sure?" i mouthed she nod they pulled away i slowly walked there "you want to be alone?" Robin asked Y/n looked at me.

i shrugged Robin just left Y/n hugged me i hugged back "did she?" i asked she nod i smiled "i'm proud of you" i said she smiled she invited us inside we accepted and walked inside with her the little girl runs up to Y/n she picked her up "thats Laura and Taylor" Y/n said "Hi" the girl said shyly i smiled "hey hun" i said Taylor just waved.

"who is Laura?" the child asked Y/n pointed at me "my aunti loves you" her niece said Y/n gulped i smiled "well, tell her i love her too" i said "Aunti! she loves you too! i want to have a new aunt the last one was mean" her niece said i smiled.

"soon hun" Y/n said i smiled more.

~8 months later~

her niece runs inside the house "Laura!" she said i knelt down she run to me i picked her up "you my new aunt now?" she asked i looked at Y/n she nod "yes i am" i said "yeyyy!" she said i smiled.

i let her down we all played together.

~time skip to a long time~

"honey?" Y/n asked as she walked inside our house "kitchen" i said she walked in "Lizzie want to come by" she said "its totally okay" i said she smiled and peeked my lips i smiled soon her niece came in "hey aunts" she said and hugged each of us i smiled.

"i want you all to meet someone" she said i raised my eyebrow so did Y/n "Lucas come in" she said a little boy walked in looking like a girl i looked at Lizzie.

"he was born as a girl but wants to be a boy and name is Lucas" she said i smiled "hey little boy" i said he smiled we all talked.

~Lizzie pov~ (10 years later)

Laura called me i answered "it happened" she said i froze "what do you mean?" i asked "Y/n passed in the night" she said i gulped as tears formed "what? please not" i whispered "i'm sorry honey but she promised us when she'll die she'll watch after us" she said.

"can Lucas and i come by?" i asked she hums we hung up i drove there we walked inside Laura looks alright i walked to her she struggled to stand up i helped her up she hugged me i hugged back.

"i know my life will end soon i want you and Lucas and your wife to take this house and always give it away to a family member you really trust" she said i smiled "i will aunt i hope Y/n knows i love her" i said "she does" she said i smiled.

~3 years later~

now i'm living in the house of my aunts i left everything the same not to change anything i left the pictures of them on the walls just added some more of my family "they were great aunts" i said "i know" Scar said i smiled.

words: 1216

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