048 (Billie)

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Y/n is 19 Billie is 22

~Y/n pov~

i walked down the stairs on Billies concert i missed a step and stumbled but i got my balance.

"uhm... i just watched somebody fall off the stairs" i heard Billie say my eyes widen.

i didn't even look at her my friend laughed "she doesn't even know i saw that" Billie said.

"she is not even looking" she said my friend laughed harder i slapped her shoulder and looked at Billie.

she laughed "you i'm talking about you" she said she waved "hi" she said cutely i waved back "are you okay? i just watched you fall off the stairs" she said.

i showed her my thumb while nodding "okay you good" she said "you look really cute" she said i blushed.

"aww" my friend said i slapped the back of her head Billie laughed again "lets just get to our seats okay" i said she nod.

we walked to our seats and sat down "she really is cute" Billie said i looked up at her she looked at me i blushed.

"aww she is blushing" she said everyone looked at me i gulped she said something to a man he nod.

he made his way to me "Billie would like to have you on stage for a moment" he said i blushed "are you okay with it?" he asked.

i nod "i need to record that!" my friend said i slapped the back of her head and stood up.

we walked to the beginning of the stage "you need help getting up little one?" she asked "i'm taller than you" i whispered she rolled her eyes.

she hand me her hand i took her hand she pulled me up "what's your name?" she asked "Y/n" i said.

"what a beautiful name" she said i smiled "thank you" i said she smiled "how old are you if i'm allowed to ask?" she asked.

"19" i said "so young" she whispered "you are young too Billie" i said she chuckled.

we locked eyes i blushed i looked away she chuckled "Y/n ask for a picture with her!" my friend yelled.

i sigh "can we?" i asked she chuckled sure "Lilith give me my phone" i said she rushed down and hand me my phone.

"thanks" i said "asshole" i whispered "hey!" she said i laughed i walked back to Billie "you are so tall" she whined i chuckled.

"i am yes" i said "how tall are you?!" she asked "5 feet and 7 inches" i said she gasped i chuckle we did a picture she took my phone.

i furrowed my eyebrows "where the fuck is whatsapp?!" she asked i chuckle and showed her "ahh" she said i chuckle.

she made a new contact and typed her number in she hand me her microphone "what should i do with it?" i asked "talk with them" she said i groaned.

"what is she doing?!" someone asked "making a new contact in my phone" i said.

"she is giving you her number!" someone said i sigh "yup" i said i took a peek "Billie the hot noodle?! really Billie?!" i asked she chuckled.

everyone laughed "Finneas give me my phone i forgot my number!" she said he run onto stage with her phone.

"thank you" she said he nod he leaned to my ear "i can see she has a tiny crush on you you both need to meet up some days and then she'll have a crush on you" he whispered.

i nod he left the stage "finished" she said i nod she hand me my phone "you have a nice profile picture" she said my eyes widen.

"you have a girlfriend?" she asked "no its my ex i was too lazy to change it" i said she nod.

she took my phone and changed my profile picture to the picture we took together.

i smiled "aww you are smiling" she teased i rolled my eyes she raised her eyebrow i blushed.

"i gotta go to my friend" i said she nod she pulled me into a hug i blushed and hugged back we pulled away she kissed my cheek i blushed harder.

she chuckled she helped me down i walked to my friend "she kissed your cheek" she said i nod "by the way you have a stain" she said.

"take a picture" i said she rolled her eyes and took a picture i took my phone she send me the picture i send the picture to my tattoo artist.

*can you make that on my arm?* i wrote her *its Billie's right?* she asked *how do you know?* i wrote *i'm on her concert too* she wrote.

*where?!* i wrote *fucking behind you!* she wrote i turned around "oh hey" i said she laughed.

"tomorrow?" she asked i nod she smiled "where?" she asked i pointed a my wrist she nod.

~after the show~

i went home Billie called me i groaned i sat up and answered the Video call "good morning" she said "its fucking 3 am" i said she chuckled.

"why are you still awake my show ended like 3 hours ago" she said "can't sleep" i said.

"should i come over?" she asked "if you want" i said she chuckled "tell me your address" she said i told her.

soon the bell rang i walked down and opened the door i let her in "where is your room?" she asked.

"just follow me" i said she nod we walked into my room i laid down on my bed she laid next to me.

"can i cuddle up to you?" i whispered she hums i cuddled up to her she held me close.

~at 6 pm~

Billie shook me awake i groaned "i gotta go to my show do you want to join me?" she asked i nod "alright get ready" she said.

"oh no wait i can't i have a appointment today" i said "for what?" she asked "Tattoo" i said she nod.

"just call me and my brother will answer the call and if you want to come after the appointment then come" she said i nod.

she kissed my cheek and left my phone rang i looked "Hazel?" i asked "should i come to you?" she asked i hum.

then the bell rang "where you already outside?" i asked she nod.

i chuckled i rushed down and opened the door she walked in "welcome in" i said she laughed.

she put something on my wrist then put the paper on my skin she slowly pulls it off "is that okay?" she asked i nod.

she started i bit onto my lip "don't do that honey" she said i stopped.

~1 hour later~

she finished she wrapped it in i smiled i gave her 50 "you know the price so well" she said i chuckle "okay i gotta go to Billies concert she said she wants me there" i said.

she nod she left i changed and called Billie her brother answers "can you give me billie?!" i asked.

"yes wait" he said i heard talkings "yes sweetheart?" she asked "i'm finished with the appointment should i come to you?" i asked "yes" she said.

"okay tell your brother to wait outside" i said she hums.

i walked to my car and drove to the arena i got out her brother waved at me i smiled and waved back.

we walked in Billie didn't saw me i walked behind her i put my finger up to my lips they shut their mouths.

they just sung to the lyrics eventually she turned around she gasped i chuckle she hugged me tight i hugged back.

"can i see your tattoo?" she asked i showed her my wrist "is it the stain i gave you yesterday on your cheek?" she asked i nod.

she smiled.

~2 years later~

i walked onto stage "Y/n!" Billie said i chuckle she rushed to me and hugged me tight i smiled and hugged back.

"do you want to show them?" she asked i nod she smiled and kissed me i kissed back the crowd went wild.

i pulled away "since when?!" they asked "1 year" i said they gasped.

"Billie is good at hiding whats hers" i said they nod i chuckle i peeked her lips.

words: 1326

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