037 (Alex Vause)

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Y/n is 30 Alex is 40 (its not gonna be like in the movie but same characters and no homophobia)

warnings: Smut:)

~Y/n pov~

i laid on my prison bed reading "Y/n you got a roommate" one of the guards said "who?" i asked not looking "Alex Vause" he said i coughed on my spit and looked "what?!" i asked "she'll be here in any minute" he said.

"why me" i mumbled to myself he left and came back with Alex my wonderful ex i looked at her her eyes widen "dinner is in 2 hours i hope you both are gonna be friends" he said and walked away "what did you do this time?" she asked me.

"none of your busines Alex" i said she scoffed and settled in *god i hate my life* i thought she sat down on her bed reading too i finished my book "dinner" Red said trough the speakers i sigh and stood up "you coming?" i asked she hum.

we walked to the canteen we got our food i walked to my prison girlfriend "baby hey" she said i chuckled and peeked her lips and sat down "i heard your ex is sharing a room with you" she said i nod annoyed "trust me i'm not happy with it" i mumbled she smiled.

Alex sat with Red i sigh Alex and i locked eyes i looked at my food and ate it soon dinner ends i walked back to my bed i sigh as i laid down Nicky walked in i smiled i set my book down "can we talk baby?" she asked i hum.

i sat up "i love you i do but i can't do this anymore" she said looking down i frown "its okay Nicky" i said "are you sure?" she asked "100% as long as you are happy" i said she hugged me i smiled and hugged back.

"i'll get going" she said i hum she walked out Alex walked in "you okay?" she asked i hum "no you're not i know you after every break up you are different" she said as she sat in front of me "Alex i'm okay" i said "your eyes tell me differently" she said as she wiped my tears away i looked away.

"Y/n" she whispers making me look at her i hum "you deserve better sunshine" she said i smiled "remember how you fell of our bed one night like 10 years ago?" she asked i laughed "yeah" i said she smiled "i still love you Y/n" she said i smiled "i kinda still do too" i said she smiled.

we locked eyes "wrong time?" someone asked i looked "pipes hey!" i said and hugged my best friend she hugged back "who is that?" she asked "Piper thats Alex" i said "the Alex?!" she asked "yes my ex" i said "you seem close" she whispers "we will be back Alex" i said she nod i pulled Piper away.

"she just told me she still loves me and so do i but i'm scared" i said "about what?" she asked "that i will break her heart again like i did 6 years ago" i mumbled she sighs "Y/n you changed you are way better now" she said i nod.

"go to her and just kiss her" she said i hum "well talk first" she sadi i laughed and nod she walked to her room i walked back to Alex i sat in front of her "Alex i'm scared" i mumbled "about what?" she asked "i don't want to hurt you again" i whispered "you won't" she said and held my face with both of her hands stroking my cheeks with her thumbs.

Daya walked by "kiss her" she mouthed i locked eyes with Alex she slowly leans in i closed the gap and kissed her she kissed back i got on top of her.

~in the night~

i woke up by lips on my shoulder i looked "Alex" i whine she hums as she continues kissing my shoulder "i'm tired" i mumbled "and i'm horny" she whispers in my ear "everyone could hear Alex" i whispered "then you'll just have to be quiet" she said as she slowly towers up on me.

she kissed my neck slightly biting and sucking i sigh she slid herhand down to my pussy "Alex" i whine she slid 2 fingers between my folds i gasped she pushed in roughly i bit onto my lip "god i wish i could hear your moans again" she whispers.

while pushing deeper in my mouth hung open as i took deep breaths she chuckles i pulled her down and kissed her she kissed back i took a deep breath as i came she smirks "god i missed you" she whispered i chuckled.

she pulled out of me and sucked her fingers clean "woah never thought you could be so quiet" someone whispers i jumped we looked "RED!" i said she chuckled "Nice show tho" she said i rolled my eyes "maybe you should ask the guards or Healy if you can get a room with a door and where you both are alone" she whispers and left i rolled my eyes.

"yeah we could do that Kitten" she whispers i rolled my eyes we cuddled up we fell asleep.

~3 weeks later~

and it worked Alex and i got a room with a door and are alone we even got just one bed like 2 but they are pushed together someone knocked i hummed tiredly as Alex still sleeps "breakfast is ready can you wake Alex up?" Nicky asked i hum she smiled.

"you look happier" she said i looked at Alex "yeah she knows how to make me happy" i mumbled "see you at breakfast" she said and left i kissed Alex's forehead "hun wake up" i whispered she slowly woke up.

she looked at me "breakfast is ready" i said she hum we stood up and went to breakfast after that it was shower time Alex and i shared a shower i pulled her in and kissed her she kissed back soon we got out i brushed my teeth and brushed my hair "baby i want to dye my hair" i mumbled "you do?" she asked i hum.

"which colour?" she asked "dark blue" i mumbled "i'll try what i can" she said i smiled she peeked my lips.

~1 week later~

"baby" she said i hum she hand me hair dye i gasped and hugged her tight she chuckled and hugged back "i love you so much!" i said "can you help me putting it on my hair?" i asked she nod she mixed the colours together and put it on my hair.

after 1 hour we finished i looked into the mirror "wow" i whispered "you look beautiful my love" she said and turned me around i smiled she kissed me i kissed back.

the door opened we looked "woah Y/n nice colour" Nicky said i smiled "thanks" i said Alex and i left we walked to our room i closed the door "to be honest you look hotter with blue hair!" she said and pushed me onto our bed i chuckled.

~1 hour later~

i rubbed my pussy against hers we are both a moaning mess we slowed down as we both came i colappsed on her she held me close i smiled into her neck "i love you Alex" i mumbled "i love you too" she said i kissed her neck i began sucking on it i pulled away i hid my smirk.

~next day~

i walked around Alex came ot me "Y/n a hickey what are you 12?!" she asked "it happened" i defend myself she scoffed "of course" she said i laughed "i'm sorry" "princess" i whispered the end in her ear.

her eyes widen "our room now!" she said i rolled my eyes we walked to our room she clsoed the door "are you kidding me?!" she asked "aww is mommy needy?" i teased "shut up" she said "what if not?" i asked crossing my arms over my chest.

she leans close "i'll fuck you while you sleep and leave you all horny for the rest of the day" she whispers and bit my earlobe i quietly moaned.

"thats what i thought" she mumbled and walked out "god fuck me" i mumbled and laid down.

words: 1369

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