Chapter One

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Not So Stereotypical

Chapter One: Blaine Anderson

"Class, I'd like you to meet our newest student. This is Mr. Anderson." The English teacher of McKinley High's class of seniors, smiled brightly. Apparently this was the only class that felt tolerable to teach.

He heard the mutters and whispers start in the class room.

"He's cute." And "Woah, is he single?"

It's not like he hadn't heard it before. He knew he was equally attractive and also just as equally single, as usual.

"Mr. Anderson, you take a seat right next to Mr. Hummel." The English teacher, he learned to go by the name Mr. Marcus, said politely.

Blaine swore he could hear a pin drop at the comment. Everyone stared at the lonely kid in the back of the room who didn't seem to be fazed and just kept his full focus on his notebook.

Blaine slowly made his way to the seat next to the kid. The whispers started once more. Confused, Blaine decided to ignore it and see if he could find any information out from his new "seat buddy".

"Hey I'm Blaine." Blaine muttered, quiet enough so only the kid could hear him.

The kid looked up at him in silence, not even responding with his name. He just had a blank look on his face and when Blaine realized he wasn't going to respond he pulled his notebook out of his satchel.

"You know you don't have to be rude." Blaine murmured, almost not intentionally wanting the kid to hear his comment.

"Kurt." The boy responded with no enthusiasm and certainly not even making eye contact with the other boy.

"Excuse me?" Blaine asked, a little taken back by the boy's almost girlish voice.

"My name's Kurt." The boy sighed.

"Oh." That was the first thing that popped out of Blaine's mouth. "I'm sorry, that was really rude of me."

"I don't mind." The boy "Kurt", had replied nonchalantly.

"Are you ok?" Blaine asked politely, because that's the way he was brought up. To care about other people's feelings.

"Just peachy." Kurt gave a fake smiled that Blaine could tell was not much of an attempt at all.

Blaine looked away and noticed all the staring and whispering again. Everyone looking immediately looked away, only taking glimpses when they thought Blaine or the brown haired boy next to him was not looking.

"What's up with them?" Blaine asked, not being able to contain such a question that was bothering him.

"They're staring at you because you're sitting next to me." Kurt sighed, continuing to jot down whatever notes he was taking... or maybe he was writing a story.

"What's wrong with you?" Blaine asked, and it came out way more eager then he intended.

"How long have you been at this school?" Kurt asked, finally looking up. "It doesn't take rocket science to see the hate in their eyes."

"But that doesn't make sense. You seem like a pretty nice guy." Blaine offers.

"It's because I'm different. Not something on the outside, but who I am on the inside." Kurt replied and kept his eyes locked on Blaine's.

"And who you are is-"

"I'm gay." Kurt muttered and broke the eye contact. "You probably want to move away now. Agree with them."

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