Chapter Forty Eight

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Not So Stereotypical

Chapter Forty Eight: Reunions

"Kurt?" Blaine asked, glaring at the taller man from across their kitchen table.

"Hm?" Kurt asked.

"You're quiet. Too quiet to be normal." Blaine said. "What's wrong?"

"Just thinking, I promise." Kurt shrugged.

"I can cancel this trip to-"

"No. This is something we're going to have to deal with. You'll leave the state a lot for your work. It's normal." Kurt interrupted. "I knew what I was getting into when I said yes."

"Are you sure because it's not that important." Blaine said.

"Shut up before I make you stay." Kurt rolled his eyes, a smile quirked at the corners of his delicate lips.

"I just don't want to leave you alone." Blaine sighed.

"If it makes you feel better, Rachel's been anxious to hang out. I'll just have her stay with me for a few days." Kurt said.

"She goes no where near our bed." Blaine threatened.

"Promise." Kurt nodded, smiling wider now.

"I have to get to work." Blaine said.

"I'll help you pack when you get home." Kurt offered.

"Mmm, home." Blaine smiled. "I like it when you say that."

"You'd think after two months you'd be used to it." Kurt laughed softly.

"Still gives me butterflies." Blaine shrugged. "Can't help the way I feel about you."

"Stop stalling. You need to go." Kurt said, following Blaine to the door.

"I love you." Blaine said softly, kissing Kurt's cheek before exiting the apartment.

That was something that changed over the past three months since they'd been engaged. Blaine didn't say he loved Kurt lightly anymore.

It seemed that he felt like he had to be cautious now. He didn't want to screw a good thing up. He wasn't the kid he used to be in high school. He'd be twenty soon.

Blaine was always more mature than he had a right to be. He'd been through enough horrible events to last a lifetime. But he'd grown up even more on his own. Five months ago before he'd gotten back in touch with Kurt.

Kurt liked this person, but he also felt like he didn't know him like he used to. Blaine had new quirks. Things Kurt constantly learned about everyday. Such as 'I love you'.

When Blaine said it, it wasn't something he casually threw around. As a teenager Blaine said I love you not just because he meant it, but it made things lighter between the two of them. Now it was something sacred to him.

Something he said in lieu of a goodbye. Something he said when they made love. Something he said after a meaningless fight. He used it as a way of saying that he wasn't going to screw this up again. He wasn't going to hurt Kurt. It meant something of reassurance to himself.

But part of Kurt hated it. Blaine acted like he owed something to Kurt. Like he didn't deserve what he was getting because of one stupid mistake. He hated feeling like he didn't know who he was with anymore.

Blaine had other quirks too. Lately he was awake earlier than Kurt and that wasn't like him. He was up making coffee and breakfast. Something so domestic. But it just felt wrong for reasons he could figure out.

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