Chapter Eight

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Not So Stereotypical

Chapter Eight: You Are My Heaven

"It's time?" Blaine asked from outside the Glee club.

"You don't have to do this." Kurt reminded him.

"I want to. I really do." Blaine said taking his hand.

"I just want to make sure you're ready." Kurt sighed.

"I am." Blaine said giving Kurt's cheek a small peck.

The two walked into the room releasing each other's hands and stood in front of everyone together. Mr. Shue stood next to Blaine and he had a questioning look on his face, Blaine just nodded.

"Blaine has an announcement he'd like to make, take it away Blaine." Mr. Shue said, clapping his hands together.

"Okay. This is really hard for me since only a few people know but first I need to know I can trust all of you with a secret." Blaine started.

Everyone looked at each other and nodded at Blaine who was still standing very still next to Kurt. It was hard for him not to fall over but he knew Kurt would catch him.

"And if anyone doesn't, I will go all Lima Heights on your asses." Santana butted in.

"Thanks San." Blaine laughed half heartedly and rubbed the back of his neck.

"You don't have to do this." Kurt muttered under his breath.

"No, you know what. I do have to Kurt, because I love you." Blaine said. "And I'm gay."

A few people gasped. Rachel had a small smile on her face. Finn seemed proud. Santana was happy. The boys didn't seem fazed by it. But Kurt's face was best of all. Kurt was genuinely proud, Blaine made it one step further.

"Kurt and I have been together for a few weeks now." Blaine said taking his hand. "I know it's never seemed like I could be gay but no one has ever made me feel this way before."

"I hope you guys can keep his secret. I had to push him to tell all of you. He's not quite ready to face all the hate I get." Kurt said.

"I'm sorry." Blaine whispered.

"Can you please tell him he has nothing to be sorry about?" Kurt asked.

"We're happy for you Kurt." Quinn smiled.

"I don't know whether to be upset that Blaine is gay or happy because he's with Kurt." Tina said.

"They except you for who you are." Kurt smiled. "I told you they would."

Blaine made his decision to kiss Kurt right in front of everyone the minute he saw the proud look on his face. Kurt held Blaine's face in his hands and Blaine pulled him closer. The Glee kids were cheering and whistling around them. Everything was... Better.

"You did it." Kurt said.

"And you thought I wasn't ready." Blaine smirked.

"Can I admit something too?" Santana asked, meeting Kurt and Blaine in the front.

"Sure Santana." Mr. Shue said.

"I'm lesbian." She said. "Love me, hate me, but you can't change who I am. Of course like Blaine I'm not ready for the outside world but at least you all know. Blaine was the first person I told... And Brittany has known all along because we've kind of been together too."

"Santana, you did it." Blaine smiled and hugged her.

"I didn't plan on it but seeing you doing this... That took courage Blaine." She said. "I had to be like you."

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