Chapter Twenty Five

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Not So Stereotypical

Chapter Twenty Five: First Date Jitters

It was only Thursday now and Blaine was actually starting to get used to the fact that he was living with his brother, away from Kurt.

Granted the two saw each other most of the day in person and through Skype but it was different. He liked the feeling of being a man and showing people he could do things on his own.

That was another thing though. He didn't feel like he was doing everything on his own. Cooper was the guy providing everything for him and he knew he had to stop that.

That's why Blaine ended up at Hummel Tires & Lube that morning before school.

"Hey Blaine, what can I do for you? Car need something?" He asked.

"Uh no my car's fine but I was wondering if you could help me." Blaine said.

"Anything." Burt nodded.

"I need a job." Blaine said.

"Do you even know how to put a car together?" Burt asked, laughing a little.

"Two summers ago me and my dad built a car. One of his many attempts at bonding." Blaine shrugged.

"Okay." Burt nodded. "When can you start?"

"Wait, you're actually giving me a job?" Blaine asked, surprised.

"You're family Blaine. I don't think you'd come to me unless you were really in need." Burt said, tossing him a uniform. "What do you need the money for?"

"Pay my brother back. I'm living at his apartment now and he's providing everything for me so I thought maybe I should pay rent." Blaine said.

"Okay." Burt nodded. "So when can you start?"

"Monday." Blaine said quickly.

"Sounds good." Burt nodded. "Now get to school."

"Thank you so much Burt." Blaine sighed and quickly drove to school so not to miss the bell.

"You're a little late." Kurt said, following him to his locker.

"I know." Blaine sighed. "I had some business to take care of."

"What kind of business?" Kurt asked curiously.

"I don't think you're going to be very happy when I tell you." Blaine bit his lip.

"Oh come on, it can't be that bad." Kurt rolled his eyes.

"I got a job." Blaine said.

"You what?" Kurt asked.

"I know you're probably furious right now because it'll take time away from us but I really need this. I have to pay Cooper back some how and I feel like paying rent would be a good idea. So I got a job." Blaine gulped.

"Where?" Kurt asked, softly.

"Hummel Tires & Lube." Blaine had a cheesy fake smile on his face.

"Really?" Kurt asked, suddenly excited.

"I was desperate." Blaine said.

"No this is great! I can come see you whenever I want and my dad wouldn't mind if I took you away for a little bit. I'm happy. I'm happy for you." Kurt smiled.

"Thank God." Blaine sighed. "I thought you would be heartbroken since we haven't really been together all the time."

"Blaine I'm fine. I'm really, really happy." Kurt chuckled. "I'm gunna head to class."

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