Chapter Thirty Nine

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Not So Stereotypical
Chapter Thirty Nine: Close Your Eyes

"Sit down." Burt motioned and they both sat down together. "I think you're a great guy Blaine. But I'm a little worried for Kurt. You are his first boyfriend. I just don't want him to get his heart broken."

"He's my first boyfriend too." Blaine said. "I wouldn't be asking if I wasn't totally sure about us."

"I'll give you my blessing." Burt said.

"Could you keep this a secret between us? I don't want Kurt to know until I find the perfect one. I'm still searching. I know it's out there. I just have to look a little more." Blaine said.

"I'm confident that you'll find it." Burt smiled slightly. "I hope I can trust you not to hurt him though."

"It'd never be intentional if I did." Blaine said.

"Okay." Burt nodded. "I'll let you get back to Kurt. I'm sure he's probably waiting for you."

Kurt's mind kept going back to Blaine's birthday and few weeks ago. It totally sounded like Blaine was asking for permission to propose and his dad gave him his blessing. The first people he told was of course, Rachel and Mercedes. And they told Santana.

"You think he's going to propose?" Mercedes asked.

"I-I don't know. I just keep replaying that conversation in my head." Kurt said. "It just sounded like it."

"What are you going to say when he asks you?" Santana asked.

"Yes, it has to be yes, please prove that true love still exists..." Rachel begged.

"I think... I am going to say yes. If he actually does." Kurt said and the three girls squealed with joy. "But the three of you have to be my bridesmaids."

"And I will be raising the roof at your reception, but Kurt... Are you sure? It's such a big step." Mercedes said.

"I know, but I've dreamt about marrying Prince Charming ever since I saw my first Disney movie - I just never thought it would he possible. But the world's changed and... more than anything, I want Blaine and me to be a part of that change." Kurt said. "And this may not even be real. It could just be a misunderstanding."

"Would you be upset if you did misunderstand him?" Rachel asked.

"Honestly, I'm still young. I'm in -we're in- high school. If he did propose, I think we'd have a nice and long engagement. I love him but, I don't want to blow it all by marrying him too quickly." Kurt admitted. "So no, I wouldn't be disappointed."

"I'm glad you feel that way." Mercedes smiled. "Because Kurt, you know I'd be incredibly happy for you but that could be holding both of you back."

"For the time being, I think I am perfectly fine with where we are right now." Kurt nodded.

"Hey Hummel, the hell is this?" Santana asked, pulling something out of his bedside table drawer.

"Why the hell are you going through my things Santana?" Kurt countered.

"Because I do that with everybody, ask Rachel." She shrugged. "Are you going to explain?"

"I'm kind of curious too." Rachel admitted, looking at the shiny red bell.

"Ring for sex." Santana smirked. "Going to explain? Otherwise I have a million stories I could fit in with this."

"It was a gag gift from Blaine for Christmas." Kurt said, slightly embarrassed.

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