Chapter Thirty One

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Not So Stereotypical
Chapter Thirty One: Undetermined

Two weeks had passed and Blaine was finally released from the hospital. His injuries were better but you could still tell he had the shit beaten out of him.

Today was his first day back at school and he was actually really nervous. He didn't remember much about this school. He didn't remember who his friends were except for Kurt. He hadn't gotten back really anything from his memories.

He walked inside the building, absentmindedly pulling his long sleeves down even further to hide the cuts. What ever happened to him a few weeks ago, since he couldn't remember it was ruled at an attempt in suicide.

A lot of people were staring at him and he couldn't help but flinch at every little noise he heard. Everything was pretty overwhelming. Where was Kurt?

Kurt had promised to help him around since he had no idea what to do. Kurt hadn't told him much -doctor's orders- but he did know that he used to play football and Kurt told him a lot about their football wins and also that he'd joined Glee club and a few other things but it wasn't the same as actually living them.

He didn't know where his locker was but Kurt wrote down the number and he walked around a finally found it. He'd forgotten his combination too so Kurt wrote that down as well.

"Hey." A angel like voice said, coming up next to him.

"Hi." Blaine said quietly, pulling down his sleeves again.

"I brought you some coffee, medium drip, your favorite." Kurt said.

"I like coffee?" Blaine asked.

"Oh yeah." Kurt nodded, head slightly fallen.

"Thanks." Blaine said, taking the cup and slowly taking a sip. He liked it. He really really liked it. "This is delicious."

"Glad you like it." Kurt smiled. "Because it's your usual and you're going to have to know that since we go to the Lima Bean a lot."

Blaine smiled slightly. Hanging out with Kurt the past two weeks had been fun. He liked Kurt a lot. But he remembered actually feeling "that way" for Kurt. He told himself he'd give it a month. Well here they were... Three months later. Nothing must of happened.

"I know this may sound like the stupidest idea ever considering I haven't been back in weeks but, do you maybe want to ditch class?" Blaine asked, pulling at his sleeves nervously.

"Can I ask you something first before I answer that?" Kurt asked.

"Of course." Blaine nodded.

"Are you okay? You keep pulling down your sleeves and itching your arms a lot." Kurt said.

"Did I cut myself?" Blaine asked. "I know Cooper keeps telling me I was attacked but are we sure I didn't cut myself?"

"We are for sure Blaine." Kurt said. "I was with you before it happened. You were happy. Genuinely happy for once."

"I just... Everyone's staring and I know word has got out that it was ruled as an attempted suicide." Blaine said. "I'm just jittery."

"I know." Kurt sighed. "And to answer your question, no we can't skip. The school knows you're here and you're suppose to be back today. We can do something after school. My dad's not making you work any time soon."

Blaine nodded. Kurt had also told him he had a job at his dad's tire shop. Blaine was hesitant to believe him but ended up agreeing for a little while.

"I think I'm going to go to class." Blaine sighed. "Where is that exactly?"

"Go left and it's the second door to your right. It should say Trigonometry." Kurt said.

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