Chapter Twenty Six

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Not So Stereotypical

Chapter Twenty Six: Time to Ourselves

"Morning sleepy head." Someone's voice cracked through his sleeping mind.

"Go away Cooper." Blaine groaned, stuffing his head deeper into his pillow.

"Babe there are so many things you can call me but Cooper isn't one of them." Kurt chuckled.

"Shit Kurt, when did you get here?" Blaine asked.

"Couple minutes ago." He said. "Told you it'd be early."

"Well someone could of let me know so I could of been descent." Blaine complained.

"You look fine." Kurt rolled his eyes.

"I meant clothed." Blaine said.

"Oh." Kurt nodded, realizing underneath all those blankets Blaine was naked.

"Yeah. You want to leave real quick or grab me my boxers or something?" Blaine asked.

"Blaine don't be such a baby. I've seen you naked before. Plenty of times actually." Kurt said.

"I know but-"

"And who said I wanted you to put clothes back on?" Kurt asked.


"You know we haven't really been able to do anything lately. We've made out a couple times this week but we haven't done anything since Halloween." Kurt purred.

"What about Cooper?" Blaine gulped, liking the way Kurt was acting.

"He just left. Said he was going to get some groceries and get something to eat and let us be alone for a little while." Kurt shrugged.

"I don't know..." Blaine said hesitantly.

"Well last night you did kind of promise me the day in your bed." Kurt whispered.

"Jeez it's fucking cold." Blaine murmured.

"Yeah it is, so make room under those sheets so I can come in." Kurt nudged him.

"Oh no, if I'm naked then you're getting naked too." Blaine said.

"You're such a wuss." Kurt rolled his eyes and unbuttoned his coat. It was starting to get really cold outside for fall weather but Christmas was only a month away so it was understandable.

Once Kurt was fully unclothed and under the blankets, Blaine wrapped his arms tightly around Kurt's waist and pulled him closer.

"I can tell you didn't shower last night." Kurt smiled noticing Blaine's still slightly jelled hair. Most curls had popped back out though.

"It was two in the morning. You can't blame me for stripping then climbing right into bed." Blaine muttered.

"This is nice." Kurt whispered.

"The nakedness or the warmth?" Blaine asked.

"Neither. Just being here with you is nice." Kurt sighed happily.

"Thanksgiving is in about a week or so." Blaine commented. "Planning anything special?"

"Actually yes." Kurt nodded. "My family is coming over. Like my whole family. Aunts, Uncles, cousins, Grandparents, from not only my side but Finn's side as well."

"Sounds... Overwhelming." Blaine chuckled softly.

"Which is why I was hoping you would come." Kurt said.

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