Chapter Seven

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Not So Stereotypical

Chapter Seven: Crashing Down

"Very promising position Blaine and I found you and Finn in yesterday." Kurt chuckled to Rachel at lunch the next day.

"Shut up." Rachel murmured. "Like you and Blaine weren't doing something similar."

She was right. Blaine and him had been skinny dipping without anything on and Finn and Rachel were almost totally clothed. Rachel wasn't ready for something like that yet.

"I guess you're right." Kurt rolled his eyes.

"Hey guys." Some of the other Glee club members started to show up at their usual table.

"Has anyone seen Blaine?" Kurt asked, standing up slightly to look around the courtyard.

"Not since this morning." Artie said. "Seemed like he was having a pretty rough one though."

"I saw him get tripped and he had to pick all his stuff off the ground." Brittany shrugged.

"David Karofsky shoved him against a locker and he just stood there for more than five minutes before going into the boy's bathroom. I didn't see him come out before the bell rang." Tina said.

"What's up Lady?" Karofsky passed by the table.

"What did you do to Blaine?" Kurt growled standing up.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Karofsky shrugged.

"You know damn well what I'm talking about David." Kurt said shoving him.

"Don't push me Hummel." Karofsky clenched his teeth.

"You have no right to do anything to Blaine just because you're a scared little boy." Kurt said.

"I said don't push me." He said getting in Kurt's face.

"Is there a problem here?" Finn, Puck, and Mike came up behind Karofsky and he immediately got away from Kurt and walked away without another word.

"Have you guys seen Blaine?" Kurt asked the three.

"No." They shrugged and all sat down without another word.

Kurt looked at the stairs once more and saw what he was looking for. But this was not the Blaine he was looking for, this Blaine had a cut lip that was still gushing blood, a black eye that was swelling by the second, torn up clothes that looked ripped by a knife. He looked horrible, and so unhappy.

Blaine just sat on one of the steps, not being able to finish his walk down. He laid his head against the stone wall beside him and felt the tears well in the only eye that wasn't crusted shut.

"Blaine you're bleeding." He heard Kurt rush to help him.

"I know." He heaved a breath. He'd been punched in the stomach too many times to count.

"What happened?" Kurt asked, grabbing a Kleenex from his pocket and dabbed it in Blaine's lip, causing Blaine to flinch from the pain.

"The football team beat me up." Blaine sighed. "They had a knife Kurt. A knife! I could of died."

"We are going to get them expelled Blaine. I don't care if you don't want to cause trouble, I do. Because this is just unacceptable." Kurt said.

Sam Evans and Ryder Lynn came up behind Kurt and helped Blaine to the nurses office. The principle came in and asked Blaine for his story and said he would do something right away.

Kurt hated seeing Blaine like this. So helpless and hurt. It wasn't who Blaine was. Blaine was strong and beautiful. But this Blaine was just crumbling.

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