Chapter Nine

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Not So Stereotypical

Chapter Nine: Stronger

Kurt woke up startled and with a huge headache. Blaine was next to him in bed and they were both naked.

He looked around the room and noticed how unclean it was. Then he remembered last night. He looked over to the other bed and notice Santana and Brittany still sleeping, as well as Blaine.

He grabbed his phone from the dusty bed side table and looked at his messages. Mercedes two new texts. Rachel five new texts. His dad ten new texts and five voicemails. Shit. His dad didn't know he would be out all night, he probably already called the police.

"Kurt?" Blaine asked, rubbing his eyes.

"Morning." Kurt smiled softly.

"God my head hurts. Everywhere hurts. I can't move my legs." Blaine whined.

"That's because of last night." Kurt laughed softly and brought his boyfriend to his side.

"I was so wasted." Blaine said.

"Do you know why your legs hurt?" Kurt asked, testing Blaine's memory.

"No." Blaine sighed, rubbing his temples. "Did I fall into the street and get hit by a car?"

"You'd probably be dead if that happened." Kurt laughed at his confused boyfriend.

"Well I'm assuming it has something to do with us being naked I guess." Blaine smiled slightly, still not able to piece everything together.

"We'll stop there. Our friends in the other bed are waking up." Kurt pointed to San and Britt.

"Hello my gays." Santana smiled, sitting up and rubbing her eyes.

"You're one to talk." Blaine smirked.

"How was your night?" Santana asked stretching her arms.

"Honestly I don't remember." Blaine said.

"Well for one Kurt was-"

"Santana." Kurt hissed.

"We'll talk later." Blaine smiled shyly.

"We should probably head home." Britt said. "Can I come over San."

"My mom loves you, of course." Santana smiled and walked to the door. With Brittany trailing behind. "Have a good day boys."

"Bye." Blaine rolled his eyes and once they were out the door Blaine hopped on top of Kurt and kissed him down his stomach.

"I remember everything about last night by the way." Blaine smirked.

"But you said-"

"I wanted to be alone before we talked about it." He said.

"What did you want to talk about?" Kurt asked.

"How amazing it was." Blaine admitted.

"You liked it?" Kurt smiled.

"Loved it." Blaine nodded and dove back into a kiss. "I love you."

"I love you too Blaine, so much." Kurt whispered, Blaine's lips trailed down his neck.

"I know we've said it before but this time it feels genuine." Blaine said rubbing Kurt's hand with his thumb.

"I know what you mean." Kurt nodded.

"Do you want to get out of here? We could go have coffee and talk for a while." Blaine said.

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