Chapter Forty Five

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Not So Stereotypical
Chapter Forty Five: Life Without You

In chapter eighteen I said to listen to Get It Right on replay while listening to the chapter. I'm bringing that song back so when Blaine sings it, I suggest you listen to it.

Xoxo Mandi

Month 1

"Hummel, get your lazy ass out of bed and do something." Santana growled and hit him with a pillow.

"Rachel!" Kurt shouted. "Why the hell did we agree to let her move in?"

"Because she get's us up everyday with Finn and Blaine not here." Rachel shouted back.

"Well tell her to leave me alone!" Kurt groaned and pulled his blankets over his head.

"Kurt," Rachel sighed and sat at the end of his bed. "You've done this everyday since the day you got here. You can't mope around for the rest of your life because he doesn't call or text or email or write."

"I can do what I want Rachel." Kurt murmured from underneath his sheets.

"Do you think this is what he's doing?" Rachel asked. "Crying over you? He wanted you to go."

"He set me free." Kurt whispered. "There's a difference."

"No there's not." Rachel said.

"Then what about you and Finn?" Kurt asked. "Why aren't you mad at him?"

"That's different." Rachel said quickly.

"Is it?" Kurt asked, sitting up. "Is it really? He wanted you to come here, but he couldn't."

"He went to war." Rachel said. "He's doing something meaningful!"

"Blaine's doing something meaningful!" Kurt countered. "He's doing everything he's ever wanted. He's going to the college of his dreams. He's looking for a recording company. He did right by him and by me."

"Then prove that to me. Get out of this bed." Rachel said.

"Fine!" Kurt exclaimed and got up and headed for the kitchen.

"You realize you both do this everyday, right?" Santana asked, setting her magazine down on the table.

"I think it's how we cope." Kurt sighed and poured himself some cereal.

"He's miserable, by the way." Santana said.

"What?" Kurt asked.

"Blaine. He's miserable." Santana shrugged. "Even though I've stopped talking to him I haven't stopped talking to a few of the Glee clubbers who have heard from Sam."

"He's miserable?" Kurt asked. "But he's where he wants to be."

"I think that stopped being the place he wanted to be when he met you." Santana said.

"Why won't he answer me then?" Kurt asked.

"Maybe because even though he's in hell out there, he knows you two being apart is for the best right now." Santana shrugged.

"But it's not!" Kurt said. "I haven't done anything big while I've been here and it's New York! I've always dreamed about being here."

"Tell you what, I say we go out and do something tonight. Without Berry." She said. "Just you and me."

"Can I ask you something?" Kurt asked.

"Sure." She nodded.

"Why'd you stop talking to Blaine?" He asked.

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