Chapter Fifteen

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Not So Stereotypical

Chapter Fifteen: Heartbreaker

Have you ever gotten the feeling that something is really wrong. Well that's how Blaine was feeling. They'd gotten back from the lake house a little early on Sunday morning and something was just... Off.

He tried texting Kurt, he even called him twice. He never answered. He didn't want to sound desperate and call Finn, so he didn't.

The next day at school, something still felt wrong. He felt isolated. Something was going on and he didn't know what. Was Kurt pushing him away because he really did want to break up this time?

He walked to his locker and put his books inside. Kurt wasn't there. No one was there. He hadn't seen Rachel, Finn, Santana, Mike, Sam... Any of his friends. Where were they?

He walked around the hallways for a while. He did arrive earlier than usual but everyone was always here before him. What changed today?

He turned the corner to see Santana and Mike in a hushed conversation and quickly walked up to them. They stopped talking as soon as he appeared.

"Hey guys." Blaine said.

"Hi." Santana gave a small smile. It was fake, Blaine could tell.

"Something's really wrong." Blaine said. "Where have you guys been?"

"Around." Mike shrugged.

"I called you yesterday. You never answered once." Blaine said to Santana. "Everyone's isolating me out and I want to know why!"

"I was busy." Santana shrugged. "I have to go find Britt, I'll talk to you later."

"Yeah I have to go find Tina." Mike said, following close behind her.

Blaine watched Finn walk past him. "Finn!" Blaine said, practically shouting to get his attention.

"Hey Blaine." Finn smiled. It was tiny and fake. Just like Santana's.

"Can you please tell me what's going on?" He asked. "Everyone's avoiding me. Kurt won't answer me. I haven't even heard from him since yesterday."

"Wait has anyone told you?" He asked.

"Told me what Finn? I'm clueless right now." Blaine said.

"Burt had a heart attack." Finn said, looking at the floor. "He's in a coma. They don't know if he's going to wake up."

"What?" Blaine asked.

"Kurt found out when he came home. He talked to practically everyone in Glee club. They all came over and Rachel wouldn't leave his side. Then I started to wonder why you weren't there. I thought you would of been the first one he told." Finn said.

"He didn't tell me anything." Blaine said. "Is he okay? Is he here?"

"Yeah. He's here." Finn nodded, nudging over to a distressed Kurt walking down the hallway alone.

"Kurt." Blaine said and walked up to him and gave him a tight hug. But Kurt didn't hug back. And when Blaine let go, he just walked past him and didn't say anything.

"I'm a little confused as to why he won't talk to you." Finn said. "I thought he'd run to you for comfort."

"Me too." Blaine nodded.

"I think you should just stay away for a little while." Finn admitted. "He'll come to you when he's ready."

"You're expecting me to leave him alone?" Blaine asked, not believing what Finn was even saying.

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