Chapter Three

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Not So Stereotypical

Chapter Three: You and Me

"Blaine, I need to talk to you about Kurt." Finn suddenly showed up at Blaine's locker during his before lunch free period.

"I don't have time to talk." Blaine interrupted. "I'm just Kurt's friend, I can't be there for him every time you're not."

"Kurt needs you though Blaine. That's also not the only thing I wanted to talk to you about." Finn said, following Blaine down the hallway.

"You have five minutes of my full attention." Blaine sighed. "I don't plan on wasting my free period Finn."

"That's all I ask for." Finn nodded.

"Follow me." Blaine nudged his head toward the auditorium. It was the only place he knew of where no one would hear their conversation.

"Listen Blaine," Finn began as they both took a seat on the stage that seemed to echo their voices. "I see the way you look at Kurt. I know you care more about him then you let on."

"So you're here to talk to me about my sexuality?" Blaine laughed. "I don't think that concerns you."

"You're right. It concerns Kurt." Finn stated seriously. "And Kurt's my brother."

"It doesn't matter anyway." Blaine shook his head angrily. "He stood me up twice and I'm not confirming that I am gay. They weren't dates, I just wanted to hang out. I don't think he's really interested in a friendship with me."

"I'm the one who told him not to go to your place last night." Finn admitted. "He may be oblivious to your feelings for him but I'm not and I wasn't going to let him walk into something he may regret. Something you may have even regretted."

"I'm straight Finn." Blaine growled. "And even if I wasn't, why would I admit it to you?"

"Because I care about my brother's happiness." Finn said. "And I talked to Wes and David."

Blaine practically froze where he was standing. He didn't want to turn around. It'd prove Finn's suspicion and it certainly wouldn't do him any good.

"What did they say?" Blaine asked. Still not turning around to look at Finn.

"They told me the truth." Finn said. "I knew there was more of a reason to why you were bullied as a Freshman. It wasn't about your looks or that crap. It was because of who you are Blaine. They told me how you went back in the closet completely even though you didn't realize you weren't fully out and I just want you to know Blaine, I don't know you that well but I will protect you."

"Why?" Blaine asked, holding in the pain in his voice. He still hasn't looked at Finn. He had tears streaming down his face. What would Finn think?

"Because you don't deserve any more crap then Kurt does and I figure I owe you for that. For protecting my bro." Finn said.

"I don't need your help." Blaine snapped and finally turned to look at Finn who gasped a little at the fear and pain on his face. "I may be in love with Kurt but that doesn't mean I have to punish myself by letting everyone know."

"But you aren't punishing yourself for that reason Blaine. If you love someone you can't just sit around and suffer because chances are, they love you just as much." Finn patted Blaine's back.

"I've known Kurt for four days. I'm not even sure what I'm really feeling. Don't tell anyone about this conversation. I need time. I need time to get to know Kurt. Time to make sure he's in love with me just as much as I'm in love with him." Blaine decided. "Don't mention this to anyone."

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