Chapter Thirty Two

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Not So Stereotypical

Chapter Thirty Two: Safe

"Hey, stop being so nervous. You're going to be fine." Kurt rubbed his shoulders.

"Kurt I'm going to a therapist. Everything is not fine." Blaine shook his head.

"You realize you need this right? You need to talk to someone about it." Kurt said.

"I talk to you." Blaine insisted.

"I don't think you're telling me everything." Kurt sighed.

"I'm scared." Blaine muttered.

"Why?" Kurt asked.

"Because people already think I'm falling off the deep end and tried to kill myself. How's this image going to help me at all. Might as well send me to a support group." Blaine growled.

"You are going to be safe here. I promise. I'll be right here waiting for you till you're done." Kurt said.

"Wait you're not coming in with me?" Blaine asked.

"I would but I can't. They have a strict policy of no one else but the patient inside the room." Kurt rolled his eyes.

"Patient. I am a fucking mental patient." Blaine sighed, putting his face in his hands.

"You are not mental." Kurt said, taking his hand. "You just need someone to help you. You're memory has been slowing down. You only remember something once or twice every few days."

"It's a little hard Kurt. I've got a lot of memories." Blaine sighed. "Most of them include you."

"Blaine Anderson." The receptionist called.

"Calm down. It'll be okay." Kurt said, kissing Blaine quickly before he left.

"Okay Blaine, follow me." A older women said, gently. She was seriously acting like he was fragile.

"Okay. Take a seat on the couch. Get comfortable." She said.

"You know I'm a human being, right? I'm not a fragile puppy that you have to act like if you say something wrong I'll explode." Blaine said, sitting cross legged on the couch.

"So sorry Mr. Anderson." She said.

"It's Blaine." He interjected.

"Right. Blaine." She nodded, writing something down on her note pad. "Well I'm your doctor. Dr. Periwinkle."

"Periwinkle? Isn't that a color?" Blaine asked.

"It also happens to be my husbands last name." She said.

"Must of sucked for him as a kid." Blaine said.

"He tried to commit suicide." She nodded.

"Whoa. I'm sorry." He said quickly.

"Don't worry. It was years before we met. He's very happy now. Since I'm a therapist he can always talk to me. I find that helpful." She said.

"Oh." Blaine said.

"Enough about me." She waved her hand to dismiss the subject. "How are you Blaine?"

"Just peachy." Blaine fake smiled.

"Does this bother you? Being here?" She asked.

"I'm not crazy. I'm not depressed. I'm not suicidal. I don't need to be here." He argued.

"Yet here you are." She said.

"Are you saying I'm one of those things?" Blaine asked.

"I don't know you so I'm not going to judge you but you do know the reason you are here, don't you?" She asked.

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