Chapter 44

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Scarlett's POV:

Waking up on the sofa in the exact position in which I remember falling asleep in, it was just in that moment where the knowing of dry tears down my cheeks became known to me. But, to be honest with you, I did not expect any different, especially after all which happened last night, even after Mesut stormed up the stairs. With me being me and the way I am not all in a sense could I leave things the way they were, so dry and awkward between Mesut and I as a result of everything. But no, he did not want to hear it. And due to how riled up he was all to be, it only turned into an argument. An argument which involved him shouting at me just to get his feelings out to me, telling me how I have changed, and, not the same of a person.

And I have to admit with the way Mesut spoke to me last night before I did the storming out of the bedroom, it really has made the realisation of how he will react when I tell him, that I am pregnant. It proved to me how childish he honestly is, how the both of us are, and to me I do not feel that we are both ready to look after someone else other than ourselves. No, of course I am not ever going to get rid of our baby, that is no brainer, but it has made me only come to terms with the fact of how hard this is going to be. But not only that, I am not to be so afraid of how he will react, when I tell him. Will he shout at me, walk out? I do not know.

These are the questions which keep continuously running wild throughout my mind, how is he going to act, will it be the breaking point for us as a couple, or am I overthinking it all? In my mind now, things will only go the worst possible way imagined. I can just picture all of it now; I sit Mesut down, I tell him that I am pregnant, and one way or another, it leads him to walk out and tell me he cannot do this. Of course that is the last thing I ever want to happen for us, as I cannot imagine my life without him – especially now I am pregnant – and so now, I am just hoping and praying that I have got this all wrong and that it will all be ok. But, with the way things panned out between us last night, that is proving less and less likely as now.

But anyway, sitting up slightly on the leather sofa I proceeded to rub my eyes, a loud sigh to slip out from my lips in the process. I need to sort things out with Mesut, I need for us to get back on track again. By no means does this mean telling him the truth as to why I have been acting different recently, but it is a start and the build up to the terrifying moment in which I do. So with that and once gaining control over my emotions which seem to be flying all over the place in this moment in time, I stood up from the sofa, and, proceeded to walk all of the way up the stairs to get up to mine and Mesut's bedroom. Nerves were getting the better of me as I did so, hoping and praying that we can at least stop arguing for once after all of this.

So the second in which I was up the stairs and outside our bedroom door, I took a deep and harsh breath in and then out again to compose myself, before pushing the door knob down, and entering the room. But as I did so and as I was expecting Mesut to be led in bed in there doing whatever, I was deemed to be wrong. As the sight of an empty bed with all creased up sheets was the only thing that became known in front of me, all to be followed by, the fresh and sweet smell of Mesut's aftershave lingering around the room. And that in itself, well, all of that was enough of a giveaway to prove to me that he had gone out. Mesut had gone out without letting me know, without a single text or note like he usually would do so I do know.

Words cannot even begin to explain to you just how devastated and annoyed I felt now, just in this present moment of time. Mesut knows for a fact how I hate to go to sleep all without sorting an argument out, let alone having to do so and he is not here when I wake up to sort it out. And if that is not bad enough, I have no single idea as to where he could be right now, as he does not have training or a game from what I am know to with my knowledge all of his career. Taking things to a dramatic level, for all I know he could have had enough of me only after last night and walked out, walked out to clear his head. But the fact is that I needed to talk to him to sort things out, and Mesut was obviously aware of that when he woke up too.

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