Chapter 46

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Mesut's POV:

Leaning back against the sofa here at home not long after getting back from picking up what was supposed to be mine and Scarlett's dinner, I sighed heavily, as she was still not at all in a sense to be seen anywhere. I have no idea where she is. The moment I left to go and get the dinner, she was sat right here on the sofa, but when I got back, she was nowhere to be seen. I am worried, yes, worried and annoyed, over how she could just up and leave, without even sending me a simple text to let me know where she was. And after coming back to an empty house I had no other option than to eat the food I had brought for the both of us. I was ever so hungry. So if she could not be bothered to tell me she had gone, I was not waiting for her.

Checking the clock placed on the furthest wall from me here in the front room, I sighed even heavier as I noticed the time, 9:16. Is she ever going to come back? Scarlett has now all been gone for way over two hours now. Two hours of me sitting here worried sick, in wondering if she is even going to return tonight. You can say I am overreacting all you want but this is the way I feel, especially taking in everything that happened earlier on. Just from the way which I saw her act when I blatantly lied to her face about being happy that she is pregnant, I know she knows the truth. I know that Scarlett is aware that I was lying to make her happy, and so that, is the reason why I am worrying and becoming annoyed, over where is right as of now.

But the thing is, and in my defence, I do not know how I am expected to feel at all just in this situation if I am honest. It all came as such a shock to me, when Scarlett announced it, not at all did I expect this for a while. Maybe a few years down the line, and I would have been fine about it, but not this soon. And, the fact being that this is not at the early stages of it either I think has got to be even more. This situation has not come into my mind at all, I have not by any means thought about having kids with Scarlett yet, yes in the future I have, but just like I keep saying; not this soon. We have only just got together, and I myself am not ready as yet.

How many people do you know, that have had kids after only a matter of months of actually properly and officially being together? I do not know any, not at all. And before any of you in a slight way start to say I am judging people that are in the situation, I am not in the slightest of ways. Believe me, I praise the people that have been in the same situation as Scarlett and I and managed to go ahead with it. As I know they all have more balls than I do, not being at all able to accept it because I am too scared. But this is just me, this is the way I am if I am to be completely honest with you. And with the mind-set I am in at the moment, and of course in my own opinion, I do not think that my mind will change. I fear, I will always feel like this.

The last thing I ever want to happen though is for me to lose Scarlett over this, for either me or her to walk out of this house as it will get too much, I really do not want that. Scarlett she means the absolute world and so much more to me, as if she did not, then, I would not have continued liking her for the amount of time I did before we ended up getting together. I saw a lot in her from the moment we met, a lot that I wanted to have in my life, forever. But all I did not see was for us to end up in this situation, of course I did not. This is something which neither of us knew would have happened, not this soon. And so right now, I am course all to be beating myself up inside over the fact of how I know I do not want this to happen as now.

The loud sound of my phone going off from the coffee table immediately brought me out of my trance, and back to the present time. As I jumped a little at the sound of it, before, I was to lean over and pick my phone up. But the second I did so, I noticed Karim's name then just all to be on the screen, causing me to furrow my eyebrows in confusion. I did not dwell on it for too long though, as I soon pressed the answer button to my phone, and then put it up to my ear, in order for me to answer. "No offence to you or anything Karim, but I'm really at all in the mood to talk right now. Scarlett's gone off to wherever with whoever and so she's left me here on my own, without even telling me anything." I uttered, in an annoyed voice then.

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