Chapter 57

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Scarlett's POV:

So much has happened, in the course of these past couple of years, so much that I cannot in the slightest begin to understand how I coped with it all. From the planning of the wedding I have with Mesut, the growing up of our now two year old daughter, Nora, my career to take a huge jump in the modelling industry and all to the soon to be new addition in which Mesut and I will be welcoming into our little family in six months time. That is right, I am pregnant I must say, and I feel great. But the greatest thing of all is that this time around in compare to last time I was pregnant is that Mesut is happy, he is over the moon by the news all in which I have brought to him, he could not be more excited, just as I am, right now, in this moment.

But enough of that and back to the here and now, where I am with Mesut and all our friends and family, celebrating our wedding after finally tying the knot. So much planning has to just have gone into this, a huge amount of planning that I do not know how I did not end up only to get stressed over it. From the venue Mesut and I wanted, the guests list, the song which I myself and Mesut wanted to dance to for our first dance, the food, decorations, dresses, for myself, my bridesmaids and Nora, and, all other minor details to our wedding. We wanted it to be perfect, a day/night to remember, for as long as we both shall live. And I have to admit to you, with everything around me right now, that most definitely has been the case as well.

As here I am right now in this moment, being held by the man I love, my husband, as we are to share our first kiss together. The sound of all our friends and family around us cheering as well as clapping, congratulating us on this special moment in our lives, as I could not help, at all, other than to smile widely as a result of it. This is amazing, all I have ever wanted. "I love you so much Scarlett, more than I can ever put into words." Mesut whispered softly, against my lips, as his hands rest on my lower back. And as a result of his words there, I could not, in a slight way, help other than to smile wider, than I have ever smiled before, in my entire life.

While I eventually broke apart from Mesut's lips, with a large smile pressed against the both of our lips, we gazed longingly into one another's eyes. "And I love you too Mesut, so much I have to say, and a hell of a lot more than I can put into words." With that coming from me in that moment, Mesut's smile only grew wider as a result of it. Showing the sheer happiness, I could see he was feeling light up his entire being. It was amazing to see, amazing to see how I meant so much to him, how the simplest of words, can bring out all of this happiness, all of within him. "Also thank you, for everything you've done for me and helped me with over the past couple of years, as I know for a fact, I wouldn't have been able to do it all without you."

"I was your boyfriend, am now your husband, and it's my job to help you." He smiled all of a same large smile towards me, before pressing his lips to my forehead. I smiled as a result if I am honest, resting my eyes at the contact but soon opening them as Mesut and I turned in a way to face our guests before us. All situated and sat on simple white chairs on the beach, in the Bahamas, where Mesut and I decided we would marry together. White beamed pillars in position above us, with hanging flowers around the top, mirroring the ones opposite both of us where we would soon walk underneath to get to our car. Pink, purple, white, red, yellow, and all different arrays of bouquets of flowers surrounding us, in every single direction, too.

It was perfect, all how I could only have imagined in my wildest of dreams.

"Mummy, mummy, mummy!" The persistent sound of my daughters voice echoed around I have to admit, causing me to jump out of my trance and focus my attention on her. Where I in that moment noticed her walking over to me, her dark hair hitting her shoulders all while she walked, blowing around in the light breeze we were greeted with. And as Nora was then to eventually get to her father and I, she stood in front of us, looking at us innocently, with a sad sort of look upon her. Of course, due to being so aware and concerned when it comes to her, I immediately started to worry. "Mummy I left Mr Cuddles somewhere he isn't here and I don't know where he is." She looked upset, ever so upset, as her lower lip quivered as well.

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