Chapter 39

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Scarlett's POV:

Waking up due to the bright light of morning shining into the small gap all in between of the curtains here in the room I groaned, not wanting to accept the fact of being away and just to instead continuing to sleep. As that is the one advantage I thought I would be getting all due to the fact of Mesut being away so early for an away game – to sleep in and not to have him constantly moaning in my ear about being lazy, forcing me to get up. But no, from the looks of things that does not seem to be happening for me by any means at all. Instead, to me, all I can gather from waking up is that there is no way I will be getting back to sleep any time of soon. And it is fair to say right now, that I am not in the slightest happy with this idea either.

In all honesty I know I should not be wasting the days away by sleeping, yet recently, I have not been able to help it. Each morning I wake up I just want to go back to sleep again. It is a strange change to say the least as to how this has all come over me for the last two months, but it does not seem to be changing for me. From the looks of a mind-set I have been in for these months, to me I know I have picked up a bad habit. A habit which despite enjoying my sleep on a constant basis, causes arguments between Mesut and I. He has seen a change in a way revolving around my behaviour and I have too. But no matter how hard I seem to in a sense try to stop being laze and sleeping on my days off, it does not seem to be working out.

And this all of a sudden brings me back to what my mother told me last night, the reasons in which I could be feeling like this; that I am perhaps pregnant. Of course I do not believe that this is to be the reason, but when someone plants a bombshell like that in your mind it is all to be ever so hard to take it out of my mind. Ever since that conversation that is all in which I have been thinking about, trying to come up with any other reasons as to why it is I might be becoming so lazy as of recent. But no other possible reason is coming to mind, and so in a result of it, that makes me question my own judgement on it. Could I really be pregnant?

Surely though, if I was, then I would have some sort of symptoms and would know about it. Am I right? I mean yes, I have been throwing up a lot recently, but in my mind that is only as a result of me being ill. I have had a sickness bug recently, and that is why I have thrown up a few times, not for any other reason. But there is still that thought in the back of mine that is making me think otherwise, making me question whether or not I am carrying a child just inside of me in this moment now. And it is such a daunting thought and prospect to even in a sight way be thinking of. But it is safe to say that I need to know the truth, I need to have a sense of closure on this situation. To know if deep down I am pregnant, or am simply just ill.

To be completely honest with you I need to tell someone about all of these sorts of thoughts I have been having recently about my health and what is wrong with me. Someone in which is not Mesut, as quite frankly I know how he will react; he will run a mile, think I am some of a crazy person due to how quickly this has come about. And so that is why I have the perfect person in mind; Chloe – Karim’s girlfriend. She has been through all the symptoms of having a child as of recent, and so if I tell her how I have been feeling, then hopefully I will end up in a sense to have nothing to worry about. For all I know this could all be in my head, all which my mother said to me could be a coincidence, and instead I simply only am just ill as of now.

So sitting up from being buried deep underneath the covers, with squinted eyes due to not being used to the light but instead the dark, I reached over for my phone plugged in on the bedside table. Unplugging it and searching through all my contacts, all until I hovered over that of Chloe’s. At first, I have to admit, I was a little hesitant in what I was about to. As all deep down within me I was not sure if I wanted to come up with a solution of how I have of recent been acting, I mean, what if I am to find out I am pregnant? But deep down, I know I have to find out the truth one way or another. And with that I pressed the call button and in a moment but the phone up to my ear, having it ring twice before she finally answered in of that usual happy and chirpy voice in which she possesses. “Oh hey Scarlett how are things?”

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