Chapter 33

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Mesut's POV:

Waking up from the feel of something on my face I groaned, not opening my eyes but trying to move whatever it was away from my face. But no matter how hard I tried it was not at all working for me, whatever it was just continuing to stay scraping across my face. And so with a loud sigh escaping from my lips I finally opened my eyes, coming to terms with the fact of being led across the sofa with Scarlett fast asleep in my arms. Blinking a couple of times as I finally became adjusted to being awake, finding that the thing which was scraping across my face was indeed Scarlett’s hair. So pushing it aside to behind her ear I looked at the beauty it was fast asleep in my arms, the both of us still having the exact same clothes on in last night.

But as I went to sit up a little on the sofa to try and not wake Scarlett I was stopped with the pain of my head in doing so, feeling a sharp shooting pain going through it as well as the sort of sour feeling to having a dry mouth. I guess I should have expected this with the amount I had drank last night, there was always going to be a hangover to wake up to in the morning after of drinking all night long. It is fair to say it is worth it though, I had an amazing night all thanks to Scarlett in her plan for my birthday. And if I am being honest with you it has to be the best birthday I have had in a while, if not the best. Just the thought of her going through so much trouble for me is amazing, it makes me realise how much I mean to her as of now.

Reaching for a cup of what looked like to be water on the table beside the sofa in which we were on I held it in my hand, bringing it up to my lips and taking a strong mouthful of it. But in doing so I was greeted with the taste I ever so much did not want at this time over in the morning, especially after last night’s drinking. Yes, it was not water and it actually turned to be vodka instead. Straight vodka, half filled up in the glass. From the taste of it in my mouth I was forced to spit it back into the glass again, removing the arm which I had around of the sleeping Scarlett to sit up and hold my head in my hands. Heaving as the taste continued to replay over and over again with my tastes buds I shivered, not enjoying that taste one bit.

As I continued to stay leant over the sofa, heaving and with nothing coming out, I knew that I should really start making my way upstairs to the toilet in case I do start throwing up now or something. But yet I just could not seem to move, I did not have any energy left within of me due to last night. And taking that into consideration the worst part is the fact that I have training a little later on today, how I am going to make that really is a mystery to me. But as I continued heaving with it getting a little louder each time I tried to control myself to stop in doing it, feeling a hand softly rest itself on my back and massage softly. “Mes what is it? Are you ok?” It was Scarlett, but I did not answer yet, instead I closed my eyes to control myself.

Daring to open my eyes carefully I finally felt ok again, the heaving which I was once to then be experiencing now over. So looking at Scarlett as she was sat behind me, her legs to be in this moment wrapped around me as I sat between her legs, I held up the glass of pure vodka in front of her. But in doing so I noticed Scarlett looking back at me in confusion, her head to tilt to the side. “I thought it was water…but when I took a big mouthful of it I realised what it really was inside…vodka.” Shivering at the remembrance of what it tasted like I closed each of my eyes again, but hearing Scarlett start to laugh hard. “I knew you’d find it funny babe.”

As I uttered those words to her with a smirk upon my lips Scarlett continued to laugh, both of her arms to be wrapped around my middle with her head resting against my back. If I am being honest with you I can see the amusement out of it, I mean what idiot got and takes a mouthful of what looks like water the morning after a party held at their house? Oh yeah, it would be me of course which is that idiot. “Oh my god Mesut, you were the on which put it there in the first place.” Laughing hard still as she spoke those words I turned my head right in that moment to look at Scarlett, confusion spread all across my lips. “Yeah, you went into the kitchen with me and put your drink down for a second but you didn’t go to get it again.”

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