Chapter 8

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Mesut’s POV:

‘Mes just tell me’, was all I heard on the way home. Scarlett just wouldn’t give up. One way or another she wanted to find out what this whole surprise was. But there is no way on this earth that I was going spill. A surprise is a surprise for a reason and I don’t give up easily, ever. And a prime example of that is my contribution to the team on match day. We could be 2-0 down maybe even more, but I will not give up until the final whistle. It’s in my blood and DNA that I am not one known to giving up easily.

“Mesut please! This isn’t funny anymore, can you just tell me.” Oh look, there it is again. The funny thing about all of this is that Scarlett really thinks that if she continuously nags me about this surprise that I will instantly just change my mind and tell her. Well sorry to disappoint you but that is not the case nor will it ever be.

Shaking my head at the tone of voice in which was noticeable in Scarlett’s voice – extremely stressed – I let out a small laugh at how hilarious I found this situation. Don’t ask me why because I seriously have no idea why, but I just get a huge kick out of causing her to get all annoyed and stressed. It’s not like it’s difficult either, well not if you know exactly how to push her buttons like I do.

“I don’t know how many times I’ve got to tell you Scar; I’m not telling you. You’ll have to find out whenever I choose to tell you.” I explained. My head was still shaking at this point and a smirk soon appeared across my lips due to the fact that I could see out of the corner of my eye that she was getting even more stressed by the second. From what I could see she honestly looked like a little girl, getting all stressed and moany over being told off by her parents or something. It’s just hilarious. But of course Scarlett didn’t see the humour in this what so ever.

“Well when will that be then?” She shot at me, the stress even more visible in her voice as she spoke. For the sake of everything I just had to keep my laughter in and bite on the insides of my mouth. Trust me on this that is definitely the better option.

I turned my head to her look in her direction for a split second. All I saw was her slouched on the seat to the car with her arms crossed against her chest and her face all scrunched up in almost what it seemed disgust. Like she was disgusted in me not telling her. Typical Scarlett really.

She’s always been one to hate surprises if I’m honest. Like on her birthday last year I set up a surprise to take her to a Real Madrid match as I unfortunately had an injury at that time. She just nagged and nagged for me to tell her and was getting so stressed about it all – possibly even worse than she is now. But after everything it was worth it, she loved the surprise, so that’s the main thing. Let’s just hope that she likes this surprise just as much. And of course the possible outcome to it later on.

“I don’t know. Maybe an hour, maybe a few.” I shrugged. “It just depends on when I want to tell you really.” At that moment I couldn’t hold in the laughter much longer and it all just came blurting out in one. Noticing the look which was covering Scarlett’s face at that point, I decided to turn back around and focus on the road ahead.

“URGHHHH MESUT!” She screeched at the top of her lungs while stomping her feet on the floor of the car. It was so loud that I honestly felt myself jump a little. I know she’s stressed but I really wasn’t expecting that at all. A little uncalled for if you ask me. But thinking of it from Scarlett’s point of view, I’m pretty sure that I’d get a little mad and stressed if the shoe was on the other foot. So I can’t really blame her at all.

“Jesus Scar, do you have to screech so loud?” I moaned while covering one of my ears with my free hand which wasn’t occupied with the steering wheel.

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