Chapter 38

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Mesut's POV:

Waking up the following morning with Scarlett led comfortably in my arms I could not take a smile as of the one I had upon me now off my face. Just from seeing how calm Scarlett now seemed was a miracle to me, a complete contrast as to how it was she was yesterday. To be all that honest with me it did bother me, a hell of a lot. As to how she proved to me that she is in fact ill, I doubted her, from her severe mood swings which have surfaced upon her over the course of the last month or so, to the complaining of feeling sick. All I want is to know as to why she is feeling like it, but honestly I cannot think of any sort of reason to clarify all this.

At first, of course, my first instinct was to think that she had a bug or something. But with of a reason that she claims to have been feeling sick for quite a while now, that blows all which I once thought right out the window. I guess the only thing I can do is hope and wait that for however long it may take that there is a reasonable answer to her actions, then perhaps all I will feel is relief of knowing. But I have to admit that it is hard to cope with. Seeing just how moody and annoyed she becomes on a daily basis truly does hurt me, it is like she is putting all of the blame on her unknown actions on me. When in reality we both know that I do not have anything to do with it, all I try to do is look out for her but she throws it all in my face.

Letting a sigh slip from my lips as I carefully sat up in bed, making sure I did not wake her up in the best way possible due to not wanting to get shouted at like I know I would, I was soon to avert my vision towards the alarm clock placed on the bedside table. All of a sudden then to come to terms with the fact that I was cutting it rather short in getting to training on time I got out of bed, carefully and slowly the best I could before walking to the chest of draws in the corner of the room by the wardrobe. Quietly opening them up I picked out some boxers and an outfit for the day ahead, placing them down behind me before closing them in such a way to walk to the wardrobe. Opening that up, I got out a pair of shoes and my training bag.

Casting my eyes over towards the bed to look at Scarlett, I breathed out in relief after then I came to terms with the fact that she was still asleep. All cuddled up in bed underneath all of the covers while holding my pillow close to her. So with that I walked over to behind me and to where my clothes for the day ahead were, removing the boxers I originally had on only to throw them into the wash bin in the corner of the room and slip on the fresh pair. From that second where they were on I proceeded to put on a pair of socks, my jeans, and my jeans to be followed in with my shoes just seconds after. So the second in which I was changed I just in that moment walked over to the mirror, mine and Scarlett’s essentials on the side above.

Running a comb through my hair to sit it in place I soon styled it, getting it how I usually do with a small little flick at the top. Placing the comb back down again I picked up a bottle of my aftershave, spraying a reasonable amount of it onto my clothes which I had on before I then placed that back down on the side above the mirror. Finally I was ready, all in a good time at that as well. So I took one last look at myself in the mirror before turning on both of my heels, walking to where my training bag was situated and picking it up within of my left hand. But before I even thought to leave the room I walked to Scarlett, doing the one thing I do each and every time I go to leave the house while she is asleep, kissing her forehead too.

And I did so, leaning into the bed she was led across and kissing her forehead softly. But as I did so a small moan came from her lip, and all I could make out was for it to be a moan of all annoyance. Honestly, even that hurt me to hear. I tried not to think too much into it though, simply just sighing a little before turning around and making my way out of the bedroom as quiet as I possibly could not to wake her. Shutting the door behind me I started to make the short walk down the stairs, trying not to catch the attention of Rocky and Balboa as I am far more than aware that they will probably bark and wake her up. And with the bad mood that she has had recently, that is the last thing either of us need as of in this moment of time too.

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