Chapter 48

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Scarlett's POV:

Pushing a spoonful of cereal inside of my mouth, as I sat here at the table in the kitchen, not in a sense could I help other than to let a loud sigh come from me moments after. Honestly I have to admit to you now, today really is not my day at all. Ever since the moment I woke up I have been in this foul mood, not wanting to speak to absolutely anyone, and I think that if I had to pinpoint it on something, then I could. My foul mood is probably due to the fact now, of how today is the day of my first scan, the scan that Mesut, is not going to. If Mesut was to be coming along with me today, then I know I would be in a much better mood compared to what I am in now. But he is not, he has again lied to me so I could not be more disappointed.

And so that is the reason as to why I have asked Chloe to come along, I have asked for her to accompany me so that I am not alone. As we all know for a fact, that I have no family here in Madrid, or otherwise, I would have asked one of them, to come along. Of course, with Chloe coming with me it is not the same as what it would be like if Mesut was with me but I do not have any other choice if I am completely honest with you. No matter how many times I have begged and pleaded with Mesut to come with me today, he has still turned me down, saying he is busy with whoever and doing whatever. But just from that look upon him when he told me that last night, I knew he was lying to me, it was obvious, and that really did hurt me too.

So anyway, trying to remove my mind from that for the time being, I was then to stand up in order to dispose of my empty cereal bowl once I had finished eating it. Where I walked all of the way over towards the sink here in the kitchen, running the hot water as I was to put all a little bit of soap onto the sponge, and proceeded to wash my bowl and spoon us. I could not have been doing so for long at all until, the sound of footsteps coming down the stairs, were to become known to me. And within only just a couple of moments more, they soon were to become more evident, as they entered here inside of the kitchen, behind me in fact, as well.

In the moment I placed the bowl and spoon down onto the side in order to let them dry, as I heard the sound of rustling coming from behind me, I turned around. Leaning back all of the way back against the kitchen side, as I looked at Mesut. "Mesut?" I spoke in a small voice all then to him, hearing him hum, but not turn around as he proceeded to butter himself a little bit of toast. I sighed due to how he was acting, but, not by any means, did I stop myself from what I was about to say. "Are you sure you don't want to come today to the scan with me to see our little baby?" The second those words came from me, I heard a loud sigh come out of Mesut's lips, but, I still carried on. "It's won't be the same without you, being there."

Mesut was quick to turn around and face me then, leaning back against the kitchen side just in that moment also, with a loud, and somewhat annoyed, sigh to come from him. "Scarlett, I really don't know how many times I have to tell you this." He closed his eyes for a moment then, running a hand over his face, before returning to look at me again. "I'm busy today I'm going to meet the guys, ok? So that's why I can't come." At this point now I could tell he was starting to get annoyed. Although that same lying look was plastered right the way across of his face in doing so. "So please, just drop it ok? We don't need to speak it anymore." And so, with that, he turned back around again, annoyed, while continuing to butter his toast again.

Just from that coming from him then, I really did feel my whole world crash down in front of me once again. But I kept my tears at bay not wanting to ruin my freshly applied make-up by any means, at all. As to me, and right in this moment, Mesut was not worth my tears, all as a result of how he has acted, and treated me. "Well then, you really have made yourself more than clear now Mesut." I looked at the back of him in disbelief, shaking my head. "You really have showed me that I'm this alone, that you want nothing to do with your baby or even me at that, as well now." He did not answer, simply continuing to butter his toast, while taking a bite of it here and there. "Well thanks a lot for that, thanks for making me feel like shit too."

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