Chapter 36

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Scarlett's POV:

Laying safe and sound in Mesut’s arms is a feel which I always will cherish, the feeling of the rough palms he own running up and down my uncovered arms, holding me close to him just against that rock hard and muscular chest which he possesses. Forever now sending a smile to smother upon my lips. I do not know what it is with Mesut but when it comes to him I can lay for hours on end cuddling, whereas with all my previous relationships I had to get up and do something after a while due to getting bored. It is strange to say the least, how Mesut all of a sudden has brought this new side out in me, and in all honesty I love it. I love how with Mesut’s help I have become an independent woman, nothing like I was a few months back.

This time a three months ago I was a scared twenty one year old, afraid of what this big bad world may have in store for me when I moved here to Madrid. I had no idea my life would in a million years turn out this way, it was surprising to say the least. Roughly round about this time all of those months ago I was probably sat in my bed back in Wales, reading through of that letter I received from Global Models in them accepting me. It was a dream come true in receiving something so big to start up my career, all of my dreams coming true all at once all of a sudden, and it still is exactly what I want to be doing. Modelling is something that as of now I cannot see myself parting from, I want to be able to do this until I am no longer able.

“Mm, I love mornings like these.” Smiling up at Mesut from having his arm wrap around me as we lay in bed he looked back at me with the same expression upon his face, showing only a sense of happiness. And honestly it was something to brighten up my mood on even all of the darkest of days, that cute little smile of his showing wide upon his lips and sending then for butterflies to form in the pit of my stomach – something which I had never experienced up until I met Mesut and started to gather those intense feelings for him. It is magical, such of a feeling I do not want to ever leave me. “But I could really do with some food right now.”

Letting a giggle escape from my lips as I spoke those words to Mesut he shook his head over in my direction, a laugh coming from him. “And why does that not surprise me, you wanting food as soon as you wake up?” Looking down at me as I lay my head on Mesut’s chest in my way of response I simply smirked, looking up at him in a sweet and dearing way – the sort of look which I know deep down Mesut loves. It is always the sort of look which brings a smile to form upon his lips, looking at me in a loving kind of way. And that is exactly what it is now to lead to, him looking down at me in that way while brushing a few strands of my hair only behind my ear softly. “Do you want me to go down and make you something to eat babe?”

But I was quick to shake my head in response, looking at him in a thankful manor of way but to now want him to go downstairs. “No I’m fine now babe, but thanks anyway.” Showing an ever so understanding nodding of the head as I spoke those words Mesut smiled, looking at me on his chest and deep into my eyes. “And besides, seeing as the both of us have the day off today, I was thinking we could spend most of the morning in bed cuddling for a change if you like.” And Mesut agreed immediately with a few words of agreement to slip out from of his lips, his arms holding me closer to his chest. Close enough to the point that I was able to hear his heart beating through his chest, sending a large smile to smother upon of me then.

It just felt amazing to hear, listening to the sound of the one you love’s heart beating whilst being in an embrace with them. Moments such as these are the ones which I always be able to cherish; laying in complete silence, no awkward atmosphere around us, but enjoying this moment we are sharing together. I love how with Mesut there do not need to any words to be spoken between us, silence is something all we have. Just being there with him is enough to send me into complete hallucination with his love, a big smile on my face as he holds me tight to him. Enjoying one another’s company, skin on skin, lips on lips, it is perfect I do say so myself. And no matter what my mood, I will always enjoy this sort of feeling between us.

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