Chapter 2

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Scarlett’s POV:

“Mesut are you going to help me with the suitcases or?” I let out as I watched him walk in the direction of the house. Completely forgetting the fact that I am a weakling and that there is no way in this world that I will be capable of taking four cases in by myself. I mean I can only just about manage two and that’s still a struggle for me.

He froze on the spot as soon as he heard those words escape my lips and turned his body so he was looking in my direction. Obviously seeing one of my hands placed on my hip as I watched him. “Oh yeah, sorry I forgot. I’m not used to actually having someone else here.” He shrugged as he made his way back over to the car.

I made my way around to the boot and he soon joined me. Opening it I took out of the suitcases and set it down beside me before doing the same with another. So I began wheeling them towards the front door while Mesut got the two remaining suitcases out.

“How much stuff do you have Scar, definitely too much.” He laughed as I heard the bang of the boot closing followed by the sound of my suitcases being wheeled along the concrete by Mesut.

“No, it’s mainly just clothes and shoes in the suitcases, not stuff. And besides, a girl can never have too many clothes and shoes. I mean surely you out of all people would understand that with the amount you brought with you when you came to stay in England.” I let out a small laugh before looking in his direction, catching him mimicking my response. Which I soon shot him a death glare through my sunglasses which still happened to be over my eyes, protecting them from the scorching hot sun of Madrid that was shinning down on the both of us.

Stood outside the house I moved to side, letting him unlock the door with the keys in his hands once he dropped the suitcases for a second. As soon as the door had been opened Mesut walked inside first and I followed. The sound of Rocky and Balboa charging along the laminate flooring of the hallway filled our ears. Both of the dogs seemed to go absolutely crazy when they noticed me appear inside, every time I come here they’re the same; running over to me and demanding to be made a fuss of before calming down. It was at that moment when the barks coming out of both of their mouths made me jump as they ran towards me.

“You two shut up, it’s only Scarlett.” Mesut moaned at the two of them, not like they could reply or anything though. He carefully pushed them to the side so they wouldn’t get stuck in between the cases and also to give me enough time to get in before being bombarded by the two dogs in front of me.

As I got inside properly I let go of my suitcases as did Mesut as he walked further through the hallway. Bending down onto the floor below me Rocky and Balboa both ran towards me with their tails wagging as fast as ever. I ran my fingers through their short fur on their backs, calming them down a little as Mesut watched me. To be honest with you I must look like some crazy dog lady right now as I made all these funny noises at the two of them. After a while I stood back up and the dogs ran through to the kitchen leaving just Mesut and I in the hallway. “Shall we take your stuff up?” He questioned, looking towards me and then to the stairs. I nodded in agreement and took the suitcases back in either of my hands and as did he.

Following him up the stairs I dragged the suitcases up behind me, having quite a bit of trouble doing so; constantly smacking the backs of my ankles with the edges of the suitcases. Whereas Mesut on the other hand was having no problems at all, it seemed as if it was just a walk in the park for him. Not very surprising though as he is incredibly muscular, well of course he is due to all the training for upcoming matches that he gets put through.

Eventually we got to the top of the stairs and wheeled the suitcases along with us until we reached the spare room which would now be my room until I get myself a place of my own. As we entered inside everything was just how I remembered it from when I last stayed here. Dark brown laminate flooring with white ceiling at walls. Oak and white coloured wardrobe, dressers and beside tables along with an oak coloured bed with white bed sheets leaning against the furthest wall. And not to mention the huge windows on the left side of the room as you walk in along with the wall mirror on the right as you come in, definitely where I will be spending a lot of my time. But my favourite thing of all is the door which leads out to the balcony which goes around the whole back side of the house, meaning it is just outside Mesut’s room as well. Seriously, his house really is just amazing but I suppose that’s what you get in a footballers house really. Not forgetting the pool in the garden as well, the pool which I will be spending the majority of my time in when I haven’t got work or anything.

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