Chapter 4

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Scarlett’s POV:

The sound with banging around woke me up which was coming from Mesut’s room. Obviously him getting ready for training today or something. The sound of my name being shouted was clear as it came from Mesut’s room as he continued to bang around in there. It was like a song set on replay. He really doesn’t know how to be quiet in the morning. It’s so annoying, and this really didn’t help the fact that I had a small but painful headache due to the lack of sleep I had last night. Today out of all days, it was just my luck wasn’t it?

But of course this wasn’t my fault at all. Mesut is the one to blame. He thought it would be a brilliant idea for the two of us to watch the horror film ‘Mama’ last night as it was previewing on TV. Baring in mind that me and horror films do not go well together and that today was my first day at the modelling agency. But anyway as I was saying; we were watching ‘Mama’. Let’s just say that I didn’t even watch half of the film. Oh no. Instead I was being the wimp I am by hiding behind Mesut and also a pillow throughout the duration. But Mesut on the other hand didn’t seem phased about the film at all. Either he was just putting on a front – which didn’t seem very likely – or he just wasn’t scared at all. It even got to the point once the film had finished that I refused to go upstairs to bed. Correction, I couldn’t physically move. The whole supernatural concept of the film was permanently playing on my mind. I was terrified that maybe that the two children which the film was based on were under my bed or something. It was horrible. How it is only a fifteen rated film I do not know, because if a twenty one year old can’t handle it then god knows how a fifteen year old will be able to.

Mesut had to physically pick me up in the wedding style fashion and carry me to bed, yes I was that scared. But that’s not the worst part; I forced him to sleep in the bed with me – along with Rocky and Balboa as well. I mean there was no way that I would have got a wink of sleep if I was to have been on my own in that room. Let’s just say that I refuse to ever watch a horror again – especially with Mesut. His constant teasing and making me jump didn’t help the whole situation at all. Even in bed he was freaking the shit out of me by acting all concerned that he could ‘hear a noise coming from downstairs’. The man is just a wind up and nothing more. I really do hate him sometimes and last night was one of those times for sure.

“Scarlett get up or you’re going to make us both late.” The sound of the door opening as Mesut walked in scared the shit out of me. I think that remembering the whole concept of the film last night didn’t help matter what so ever. Mesut obviously realised that I was still a little shaky this morning and the scared look which covered my face showed this even more. “Please don’t tell me that you’re still scared over last night.” He laughed while entering further into the bedroom. Revealing to me that he only had a towel placed around his waist and nothing more.

That’s another thing about Mesut – he isn’t the type to cover up around people. I soon found this out when we first met, the time he came and stayed with me in England for a while. He would just walk around the house in nothing but his boxers with no ounce of care in the world. Baring in mind my parents were both at the house while this was going on. But my mother didn’t seem to mind at all, I swear I saw a twinkle or something in her eye when she saw Mesut like this. My father on the other hand wasn’t too impressed but in his eyes I am still his little girl so it’s just expected.

“It’s not funny Mes; did you see the state I was in last night? I did tell that I hate horror films but no, we still had to watch it didn’t we and you with you’re constant teasing didn’t help either.” I pointed out before crossing my arm across my chest in front of him. A very unimpressed look covered my face to show him just how annoyed I was at him.

But as I should have expected he had no sympathy what so ever for me as I noticed the smirk beginning to appear across his lips. “Believe it or not I did see the state you were in last night.” He laughed. A sarcastic tone in his voice was clear. “But trust me it’s only a film. It’s not like the two children are going to be hiding under your bed and be waiting for you tonight is it?” He continued. Ok he really isn’t helping matters at all.

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