Chapter 13

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Scarlett’s POV:

“Scar…” I heard a deep accented voice whisper into my ear from beside me in the bed. But I didn’t make any sudden movements or signs to wake up and open my eyes. Instead they stayed firmly shut as I attempted in falling back to that deep sleep I was once having. A sleep which was well deserved and needed after the terrifying flight I experiences earlier on in the day. It was nothing but terrifying from the moment we took off to the moment we landed back Wales. And is something I never want to experience again, especially with Mesut. But of course that isn’t going to happen, is it? I mean what other possible way is there for us to get back to Madrid?

I stayed in the exact same position, not moving a muscle in hope that the German, Mesut, would leave me alone to sleep I soon realised that this of course wasn’t going to be the case with Mesut, was it? As just seconds later I felt my body being shook whilst feeling his hands firmly placed on the both of my shoulders as he towered over me. And from what I could just about make out with having my eyes closed, he was practically sitting on me. The both of his legs either side of my body as he continuously shook me awake.

“Ughhhh, Mes go away!” I moaned, getting annoying with his attempt on waking me up fully, which of course was working. But as I let those words escape from my lips I instantly pulled the duvet over my head and hid under it. Hoping and praying to myself that he wouldn’t find me. Ok, that sounds stupid and pathetic I know. But you try being jetlagged and wanting sleep whilst some idiot is trying to wake you up. It isn’t a nice feeling, I’m telling you that. And right now hiding seems like my only option.

As soon as I was settled and hidden under the duvet I heard a loud chuckle coming out of Mesut’s mouth above me, seemingly not being able to control it due to the volume he was laughing in. Ugh, can this man just not let me sleep… what even is the harm in that? Because I can’t see anything wrong with it if I’m entirely honest.

“You need to get up! We’re supposed to be going out for a meal with your family in just under an hour, so get the fuck up now!” He shouted in my ear from under the duvet. Catching me a little off guard with the amount of seriousness evident in his voice as he spoke.

I was just about to roll over and ignore everything going on around me, up until I had fully processed what Mesut had said. Just seconds after I felt myself shoot up from lying down in the bed and look at Mesut wide eyed, a huge smirk noticeable from crease to crease across his lips. “That was a joke right?” I let out, hoping that he had just said it to wake me up. But the seriousness upon his face at this moment and the shaking of the head told me different, and told me just what I didn’t want to hear. “Ugh, I thought we were going out later than this, not now! Why didn’t you wake me sooner?” I yelled at him, getting myself out of bed and slipping away from Mesut.

Turning back to face the German once stood up on the floor with my hand on my hip, I noticed him smirking as I waited for him to respond. “I did. Well at least I tried anyway. Half an hour I’ve been trying to wake you up and you haven’t responded at all. You really are one heavy sleeper.” He laughed, resting his head on the very same pillow I once was. Seemingly looking a little sleepy as he did so.

“Oh whatever. Just get yourself ready or neither of us are going to be ready in time.” I demanded, turning away from him once pointing my finger directly at him in a warning. It was then at that moment when I left the bedroom, making my way into the bathroom for a quick shower. Let’s just hope that I can actually find myself being ready in time. Although, that is something which I highly doubt, seeing the amount of time I actually have to be ready in. Oh brilliant, this just gets worse and worse.

Mesut’s POV:

I stayed in the exact same position on the bed as I watched Scarlett leave the room – my head resting on the pillow she once had her head on with one of my hands around the back of my head.

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