Chapter 10

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Mesut’s POV:

On opening my eyes the following morning to the bright sun of Madrid seeping in through the small gap in the curtains, I felt as a big smile almost instantly appeared across my lips. This was of course due to the on goings from yesterday.

In all honesty I don’t think I could have been happier. The fact being that Scarlett herself had said that there was no way we were going to share another passionate kiss with one another after the night she spent in my bed. But of course she hadn’t stuck to her word. As yet again we found ourselves kissing.

You want to know the weirdest thing from all of this? Well things between us were far from awkward after that kiss. If anything things were strange. And what I mean by that is that I noticed in the evening yesterday Scarlett was being all flirty around me. This even happened without her consuming even a drop of alcohol. Now, if that isn’t weird then I really don’t know what is if I’m honest.

It’s like someone or something has possessed over her. She just hasn’t been her usual self. But who am I to be complaining over something like this? I mean this after all is exactly what I’ve wanted over these past few days of our near kiss experiences.

Everything really is going perfectly if I’m honest. And I have one person and one person only to thank for this; Sergio. Because if he hadn’t suggested the plan to watch that scary film with Scarlett then none of this would have happened. And right now I would probably be attempting to come up with a plan in my head as to how to get the kiss I was desperate for. But not now. I don’t need to be thinking up of any new plans at all as things are just happening on their own now. It’s like fate is bringing us further towards one another, as stupid as that sounds.

Quickly rubbing my eyes to fully wake myself up, I soon turned to the clock on the bedside table. My eyes grew wider and wider by the second as I realised that I only had fifteen minutes to get myself ready if I wanted to be at training on time. It’s reasons like this that I really do need to invest in an alarm clock or something. I can just never wake up on time.

So I immediately shot up from bed once turning away from the clock. Once out of bed I made my way over towards the draws in my room. Bending down in front of them I soon rummaged through them until I eventually came across my sweatshirt, jeans and of course a fresh pair of boxers. Pulling my clothes out I made my way over to the bed where I dropped them down onto.

Removing the few clothes I had on, I soon took my boxers and slipped them on. Taking my sweatshirt into each hand I soon enough pulled it over my head and onto my body. Grabbing my jeans also, I placed each leg into the holes and pulled them all the way up before doing up the zip and button to them.

The moment I was finished I felt myself walking over to the direction of the wardrobe as quick as I possibly could. Opening it up I soon took out a pair shoes and placed them down in front of me before slipping each foot into them.

It was then that I grabbed the bag leant across the wall which has all of my training gear inside after luckily packing it all last night. Placing one of the straps to the bag over my shoulder I walked towards the mirror, quickly checking myself out before grabbing my phone from the bedside table and making my way down the stairs.

As I made my way into the kitchen, I noticed Scarlett out in the garden, sunbathing as I grabbed my car keys from the side. So, placing them in my jean pocket along with my phone I made my way out there.

The closer I got to her the more I felt my mouth gawp open at the sight. I mean surely you can’t blame me, right? Here Scarlett is in nothing but a bikini and you expect me to stay calm…I think not. All of this really didn’t seem to help all of the temptations inside of me I’ve been getting around her recently. If anything I just wanted to walk over and have my wicked way with her there and then. But for the good of us taking things slow, which we are seemingly doing from my point of view anyway, I controlled everything inside of me from doing so. It’s for the best, right?

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