Chapter 42

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Scarlett's POV:

‘The sound of Mesut’s footsteps rang through my ears as he made his way down the stairs in that moment, whereas I was situated on the sofa waiting for him after he had got changed a little after returning home from training. My whole body was shaking in fear and worry from what I was about to do, with the pregnancy test I had taken at Chloe’s a few days ago all in a tight grip between my two index fingers. The same thoughts running through my mind just in this moment; am I making the right decision, is it too soon to even think to tell Mesut such of a fact that I am carrying his unborn child, and is this only going to do more bad than good all for our relationship? But my thoughts were short-lived, as he entered inside the front room.

The second in which Mesut came in and took a seat on the sofa opposite of me, I watched as his eyes immediately examined what was held in between my two fingers. A frown and also a concerned look plastered upon him, before his eyes soon met mine from in front of him as of then. “Scarlett, what’s that you’re holding?” Speaking in a surprisingly soft and calming of a voice then, I simply just gulped. Not knowing what to say to him, or how I should even in a slight way start with what I had to say to him. But the longer I continued to look at Mesut in that moment, the more aggravated of wanting to find out he seemed to get. “For god sake, will you just tell me why you’ve demanded to speak to me? You’re making me feel nervous.”

So taking a deep breath in and then back out again, I closed my eyes, before reopening them again and looking at Mesut. “This is why I’ve been acting so weird for the past few months, I have my reasons.” To which in an instant reaction to my words Mesut looked all confused at me as a result of it, looking at me. And so with that I stood up from the sofa, shaking all that much more, and walking to him. Where once I was in reach of Mesut’s view it seemed then I had given him enough space for him to see what it was held in my hands, as his eyes were to widen a hell of a lot more in shock. “See for yourself, your answers on my behaviour are now all here for you.” And with that I handed over the pregnancy test to him so that he could see.

Mesut’s eyes casted over the test held between his hands, looking at me from beside of him on the sofa and then back at the test again. And just from that look shown upon him, I right in that second there knew he did not believe what he was seeing right now. “Ok come on, it has to be some kind of joke this does.” With a small laugh escaping from his lips I looked at him in an almost shocked tone of voice, not believing myself what I was hearing come from the man which I thought cared about me and the man which I thought loved me. “Scarlett, it’s impossible for you to be pregnant. You’re on the pill and we haven’t been together that long at all. I mean come on, like both of us wanting something like this right now, do we?”

“You really are so heartless Mesut, do you know that?” To which he now, was only to look a little shocked at me. “This is a real pregnancy test and it is my own pregnancy test at that. I know it’s a little sudden but to me, it’s a blessing.” He simply just shook his head at me in of a response, somewhat thinking I was stupid for thinking such a thing. “One time I didn’t take my pill, the night we spent at the hotel and this happens.” I sighed, running a hand through my hair. “I’ve been absolutely petrified to tell you in case you’d react badly, and so I was to be right on that. But I honestly thought you’d support me, tell me we’d made it through it.”

“So how do you expect us to do that then Scarlett, huh? How do you expect the both of us to make it through this, together, when we know nothing about raising a child?” Much to such a surprise for me in this moment, Mesut started to raise his voice at me. In my opinion, it all seemed like he was blaming it on me, like he had no part in this what so ever. “If you would have just taken your pill like you do every fucking morning then we wouldn’t be in this mess we are now, we’d be how we normally are.” His eyes piercing directly into my own, just in a strong sense of anger – and denial – as it all seemed. “We’ve been together for what, only a few months and we’re expecting our first child together? This is crazy Scarlett, it’s not right.”

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