Chapter 15

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Scarlett’s POV:

Here I sat, with my back resting against the headboard of the bed after just a matter of minutes from waking up. Feeling the fluffiness of the many pillows surrounding me as I sunk back into them with a huge smile smothered across my lips. With nothing but the breathtaking remembrance of last nights antics with Mesut flowing through my mind continuously. Producing nothing but little butterflies amongst my stomach inside of me the longer I thought about everything which happened between the two of us. I really do feel like a teenager at school passing by her crush along the hallway and feeling all giddy inside from the feeling.

But the only difference between what was happening now and your typical High School days as a teenager is that your own mother didn’t catch you in the act. Giving you the worst looks imagined. And as for the ones I witnessed off of her last night when she walked in on Mesut and I… well it’s safe to say that if looks could kill then I would be dead. Actually no, scrap that. I would already be in my coffin and getting ready for cremation. Yes, she looked at me as bad as that and this is not me overreacting about the situation by all means. I am telling you the god’s honest truth that she looked at me in that much of a disgusted way. Me… her own daughter, unbelievable I know.

Although, in my defence it shouldn’t really matter to her what I get up to in my own spare time. I mean, yes I do understand that this is her house and I no longer live under the same roof as my parents anymore. But that isn’t the point by all means. The way she looked and spoke to me last night was nothing but disgusting. My own mother acted as if I was nothing but a piece of shit on her shoe and nothing more. She didn’t even seem as if she cared either, as from what I could tell all that her mind was set on was treating me like dirt. Not even caring that she embarrassed me.

I’m twenty one years old now for crying out loud. So in all fairness my sex life shouldn’t be something which bothers my mother. She no longer has a say in this sort of matter so therefore it is no longer any of her business what I get up to. Don’t get me wrong though, if I was having underage sex then I would completely understand where she was coming from and why she acted in such a way. But that isn’t the case. And the fact that I was having legal sex makes it all that much harder for me to take in why she was acted like that last night. She’s my own mother for Christ sake. Surely she was doing things like this at my age – not that I want to be thinking about stuff like that involving my mother – but still, it’s the truth, right?

Anyway, pushing my idiotic mother and her thoughts aside, I couldn’t be happier. And for some strange and unknown reason, I have a pretty good feeling. A good feeling that when lazy bones over here decides to wake up then things between us will not be awkward. Because you and I both know that I am the one to blame for the awkwardness the morning after we kissed. I just wasn’t sure at that point with how to react around him. But now I do and as I wanted last night just as much as he seemingly did then I cannot see anything awkward popping up between us.

As I sunk deeper into the cushions propped behind my back, I still felt that very same smile upon me. Seemingly not wanting to budge for even the smallest of seconds from the happiness I was withholding inside and out from last night. In all honesty, I really couldn’t be happier. It was like some new source of life had taken over me and refused to go away. But it’s not like I’m complaining anyway as I kind of like this new ‘happy Scarlett’. It’s truly amazing to finally feel this way.

But the smile and happiness swooped across my face and inside of me was soon to fade. As just seconds later I heard my mother scream up the stairs at me. Oh brilliant, just when I had blocked her out of my mind completely she just happens to find a way to get back in. Typical mothers I know. “Scarlett get your ass down here now! Your father wants to speak to you.” I heard her yell, loud enough that I am sure that people a few blocks away from us were capable of hearing the loud mouthed woman I call my mother. There was nothing but a clear and evident breach of anger in her voice as she shouted. Yes, she definitely isn’t over last night yet. That’s for sure.

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