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Outcast,freak,demond,one of them just some of the names that I have been called over the years me being half human half navi I was never truly seen as one of them  I will always be one of the sky people to them when I was a baby still in my mother's womb the bad ski people at the lab experimented on my mother to try to make some kind of human navi hybrid.

Like avatars but diffrent they took dna from dead avatars that they had killed and injected it into my mum sadly having all of this happen my mum died and I was born the lab we're descusted by the way that i looked with my tail fangs webed feet and hight for a little baby and by big ears but human skin and nose and no queue wich ment I  was lossless since i could not fly an ikran or evan connect to the spirit tree to what my mother would look like since the people in the lab didn't want me  i was thrown away like dirt.

One night when jake and neytiri where on there date night in the distance they could here a baby crying finding the sorce of the cry they say me they decide to take me  back with them and ask some of the other navi if they we're willing to take me no one wanted a freak like me so I  ended up being passed from family to family each night but never really feeling like i belong they saw me  as one of them.

Me never truly felt like i belong anywhere since i was half human and that is all people saw in me  once i got older and the Sully family grew I  became really good friends with spider since he was human but I  was even closer with the oldest of the Sully neteyam he didn't see me as ugly,outcast,freak,human he saw me as me and he loved that but that is not how i see myself whenever i gets sad or overwhelmined my skin starts to turn a blue colour like the navi and so I  try  to not make that happen since when it dose I  feels ugly but when neteyam see this he thinks i am beautiful and pritty he is the best boyfriend I could ever ask for I would die for him.

What ava would most likely look like but you can imagine her as you want

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What ava would most likely look like but you can imagine her as you want.

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