chapter 8 meeting

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Ok so this chapter is a flashback of neteyam and Ayr'ite meeting for the first time hope you enjoy.

Neteyam's pov

I had snuck out of my family tent to go exploring and to catch fish.

As I run up to this big long stream with loads of different types of fishes I pull back my bow and aim it at the fish I want letting it go and killing it instantly as I jump into the water to get it I here rustling in the distance I aim my bow at the sound to see a small figure move I run after it as fast as I can.

One I catch up to it it's not something I have ever seen before it was a human but not one that I have ever seen before the human slowly turn around and looks at me with big blue eyes the same as my skin colour this human was not wearing a mask to breathe wich I thought was weird since human can't breath are air but something that shocked me more was the fact she had a tail and ears like mine but how.

"I'm very sorry neteyam I will leave now," she says looking to the ground I wasn't shocked that she new my name I was the first born of the great toruk makto everyone knew who I was if you didn't you were living under a rock.

I didn't want her to leave I had so many questions I wanted to ask.

"No its OK I don't want you to leave," I say grabbing her arm.

Her ears pin up hereing this and all I could think in this moment was how cute she is and how I can't wait to get to know her.

"What's your name?" I ask.

"Ava," she says still looking at the ground as if it was the most interesting thing in the world.

I thought it was weird I had never hurd of a name like that ever.

"Your dad named me if you were wondering why it's different," oh that makes sense it's an earth name I had never hurd of her before I wonder why my dad never told me of her existence.

"Oh my dad has never mentioned you I mean I have never ever seen you before where do you live," I asked concerned.

"I live everywhere I don't have a home nor do I have a family no one really comes this far out so this we're I stay," she finishes of.

My heart broke hearing this she has no where to go no family I wonder why I still had this question in my mind but I wasn't sure If I should ask it.

"So how come you look so different," I asked hopeing she would not be offered.

"It's a long story I'm sure you would not want to be bored," she says looking down again.

"No please tell me I have all the time in the world," I didn't really I had to be home very soon I'm sure my parents were all ready looking for me as we speak but I really wanted to know.

So we sat down as ava told me her hole life story of being experimend on to my dad and mother finding her then her being fasted form home to home like an animal to now living alone here deep in the forest hereing all of that hurt me how could someone do that to her she is soo kind and sweet she doesn't deserve this I did the only thing I could think of in that moment I hugged her I most sweettes hug you could ever give someone.

We sadly had to break the hug as I saw to ikran fly down and I recognised them as my mothers and father.

I could feel ava try to run away but I grab her arm.

"It is ok its just my parents," I said that mad her panic ever more as she violently started to shake her head I didn't understand why she was so scared of my parents they are nice.

As the ikran landed my parents got off and grabbed me and pulled me away from ava to give me a big hug.

"What the he'll were you thinking boy it's all most eclipse your not sopost to be put this far in the forest," my dad says letting go of me.

He looks behind me to see ava and I turn around to see her ears are pined to her head and she is looking down as her tail wags low it breaks my heart to see her like this my parents really do scare her.

My dad walk up to ava and ask her if she is ok she slowly nodded her head.

He then looked at me and said "so I guess you to have finally met," he says putting his hands on his hip.

I nodded my head as I say "why did you never tell me about her,".

"That's a story for another day kid," he says patting Me on the head.

"Can she stay will us please dad she out here all alone," I say with tears in my eyes.

My dad face gose from normal into shock.

He walks up to her and asks her if it's true that she is living out here and she nods her head.

I guess my dad didn't know that.

"She can stay with us for tonight but then I will build her own tent so she does have to stay out here," my dad finishes.

I jump up and hugging him and say thank you I look over to my mum to her giving the most descusted look to ava that I have ever seen.

"I don't want it to be staying with us," my mother says venom drippy of her Tonge.

I had never hurd such rudness be said by my mother she probably sees her as a human just like spider she doesn't like him much ether but she would not say it to his face so why when it's her she  dose.

My dad walk up to my mum as I walk up to ava and hold her hand to show that I am still here and that I won't leave  my dad whisper some thin into my mother ear before she looks at my father and nods.

"Come on kids let's go," my dad says.

As me and ava hop onto his ikran as we start fly back home I could see her skin starts to turn a light shade of blue like mine I thought it was soo cool this littel girl is just full of wonders as we land I hop of the ikran before I help ava get off she was a lot smaller then me so if she tried to do it her self she would of fallen and I wasn't going to let that happen we went into the hut and I really wanted to show her around but everyone else was sleeping so sadly we couldn't me and ava lied down on my mat as we fell asleep dreaming of the future we would have together.

Pic of little neteyam so cute sorry this chapter was soo long loved writing it tho worth it

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Pic of little neteyam so cute sorry this chapter was soo long loved writing it tho worth it.

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