chapter 15 first kiss

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Flashback chapter.
Ayr'ite pov
Me and neteyam snuck out of the tent to get away from everyone and to have some time to are self's recently me and neteyam had been getting close there would be many times we would sneeck out and play in the forest but today felt different.

"Were are we going," I ask neteyam as we get onto his ikran and start to fly.

"You will see be patient," he replied as we land near the spirit tree.

"Why are we here," I asked confused I don't have a queue so I can't plug into the tree there was no reason for me to be here.

"I have something to show you come on," he said As he started running.

I followed and stated running in front of him as I felt a tug on my tail.

"Aw you skxawng," I say.

"Ok come sit i have something to show you," neteyam said with excitement.

"Ok what is it," I ask.

"I know that you have been feeling sad and that you don't feel like you are one of us so I made you this," he pulls out a knife.        

Picture of Ayr'ite knife.

I can't contain the smile that has formed on my face for the longest time I had wanted to have a knife I have seen other littel na'vi kids getting there first knife made by there parents with love and I had wished that I would get I knife from som...

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I can't contain the smile that has formed on my face for the longest time I had wanted to have a knife I have seen other littel na'vi kids getting there first knife made by there parents with love and I had wished that I would get I knife from someone I love to.

"Neteyam this is amazing thank you," I say giving him a big hug.

" you are one of us," neteyam said looking into my eyes.

I didn't know what to say back I really did truly want to believe his words but I could not when I look like this.

I shake my head and say "I'm not no one see me as one of you neteyam they see me as one of them,".

Neteyam grabes my hands as we make eye contact as he uttered the words that I thought I would never here someone say to me.

"I see you," he says my eyes go wide as my mouth Is open in shock.

"Neteyam I see you to," I say truthful looking into his eyes.

And before I know it his lips are on mine  hungrily kissing me.

"I'm sorry I just couldn't help my self," he says with a cheeky smile.

"Don't worry I liked it could you do it again," I asked shyly.

He nods his head as are lips collide as we start making out and I see him grab at his queue and I stop kissing him and look down in sadness.

"Hey hey I'm sorry it was just an instinct  I didn't mean to hurt you baby," he said kissing my cheek trying his best to comfort me.

"It's not that it's just I can't even fully mate with you because I'm not one of you and I never will be," I say tears streaming down my face.

"Baby it's ok we can still mate," he says.

"But not properly the hole point of having queue was so we could connect spirituality without it what's the point," I say my ears pinning to my head.

"This is," he slowly gets on top of me as I lie of the ground as we go back to kissing and then we finally mate sadly not fully though.

"This is," he slowly gets on top of me as I lie of the ground as we go back to kissing and then we finally mate sadly not fully though

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Neteyam and Ayr'ite at the spirit tree.

If you are wondering how the spirit tree is still there even though it got destroyed in the first film short answer it grew back this is also when she gets pregnant as well.

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