chapter 3 new home

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Neteyam's pov

After we got back from saving my family I went and took ava to her hut since she was still verry shaken up from the events from earlier today after I took her to her hut she fell asleep so I went to go follow my siblings to ease drop on my parents.

"He's targeting are family" my dad says with a sad look on his face.

"You can not ask this the children everything they know the forest this is are home". My mother says starting to rise her voice.

"He had are children he had them under his knife. He says making a knife motion.

My mother then moves over to grab her bow as she says "my father gave me this bow as he layed dieing and he said to protect the people.

My dad then put a hand on my mum's shoulder and says "this will protect the people.

My mother then starts crying as my father comforts her.

After this everyone else gose back to the hut while I go to ava just to see she is starting to wake up.

"Hey baby you had a nice sleep" I say walking up to her as she slowly rubs the sleep from her eyes.

"Kind of still worried though" she says with a sad look on her face.

"Well I've got some more bad news" I say as I lay down with her.

"What is it" she asked concern on her face.

"We will be having to leave the forest soon for are safety". I say with a sad look.

I could see hurt flash through her eyes and it mad my heart clench.

"It is because of me isn't it" she says look down wanting to avoid looking at me at all cost.

"What no no it is not don't even think that" I say putting my hand on her waist.

"Are you sure" she says now looking up at me with teary eyes.

"Yes" i say hopeing she would understand.

"It is a shame I was hopeing we would be able to raise the baby's in the forest.
She says  with sadness in her voice.

"When will we be leaving" she says rubbing her stomach.

"Soon" I say putting my hand right where her hand is slowly starting to feel the baby's move a small smile starting to creep up on my face.

A couple of day's later

Here we are now in the forest srounded by everyone as the new clan leader puts his knife in to my father's cheast as he is no longer toruk makto.

They made a palf for us to walk down I can see my mother crying as we walk and a couple of the clan given stares to ava I hate that people thing she is not one of us just because she may not look like us does not mean that she isn't one of us.

As we packe up all of are stuf on to are ikran and get ready to fly to are new home.

Just as we start fly to are new home we all take a look at the forest the place we use to call home will soon become a memory.

The journey was long and even at one point we were flying through a storm I took occasionally looks at ava to make sure she was OK and not going to fall of since I put all of mine and ava's stuff onto the ikran.

After what felt like forever we finally mad it to are new home it had the most beautiful ocean I have ever seen.

After landing on the sand I help aver of my ikran and put her behind me to protect her from wondering eyes.
A big crowd of people start to form around us as my father turns around to look at us and says "be nice". My mother then coping my dad also say "be nice" just as tow boys walk up to us and both me and lo'ak do the I see you singe but the don't do it back rude I thought in my head they start to come around us and says this such as "look at that is that sopost to be a tail" "its so small" just as that happens a girl gets of some sea creature and says to the boys "do not Rotxo Aoung" she says pushing there hands away.

My father walks up to the clan leader who's name is tonowari as he dose the I see you singe to him.

As the tsahik of the clan Ronal walks up to us.

"Why do you come to us jake sully" he says with curiosity.

"We seek uturu" my dad says.

"Uturu" Ronal says verry confused.

"Asanctuary for my family" he says looking at us.

"We are reef people you are forest people your skills mean nothing here" Tonowari says looking at my father
Ronal slowly walks up to us as she touches  kiri tail and says "there tails are weak they will be slow in the water.

Ronal slowly looks at kiri hand and holds them up for everyone to see as she says "these children aren't even true navi"

"Yes we are" kiri says wanting this to stop.

She then walks over to lo'ak holding his 5 fingers up and says "they have demond blood".

I cand feel ava trying to hide behind me not wanting to be see by her qich fails as she comes up to he and pulls her from behind me  then looks at my father and says "why would you bring such an ugly creature like this here" just as she says that all eyes are on here and I hate it as I here some people say "what's wrong with her" " why dose she look like that" "isn't she one of them demond".

I just wand to pick ava up and take her away from this.

After this happens my dad holds up his 5 fingers and says "look look see I was born with the sky people and now I am a navi you can adapt we will adapt".

"My husband was toruk makto he lead the clans to victory ageist the sky people my mum says with pride.

"You call this victory hiding amongst strangers" Ronal says with a descusted "look it seems eywa has turned her back on you chosen one" she finishes of ther sentence.

My mother starts to hiss ah her as they go back and forth.

Tonowari call over Ronal as they have a short eye conversation before tonowari turns to us and says.
"Toruk makto is a great war leader all navi know his story toruk and his family will stay with us now they do not know the sea so they will be like baby's I want you all to treat them as if are own brother's and sister's my daughter tsireya and my son Aonung will shoe your children what to do" after he is finished says this my dad turns to us and says "what do we say"

Thank you we all say in return kiri being harsh and rolling her eyes.

As we get all of are stuff of the ikran and start walking to are new mail wich is like a tent.

Just as we arrived there my dad looks around with a smile on his face as he says "this is nice right big" my mother looks around and let's put of puff of air as she drops her mat on the ground.

Just as I see lo'ak start to walk out I grab his neck and pull him down as I say "remember family meeting" he sits down with a huff as I hear ava giggel next to me it is so cute.

As my dad says "don't cause trouble learn fast and pull your weight.

As my dad is finished talking I see ava slowly raising her hand to ask a question my dad looks at her and gives her a nod indicating she can speak.

"What do you want me to do Mr sully" she asked.

"Umm just do your best try what ever you can. He says giving her a nod.
"What dose your father always say" my mother asked looking at all of us. Sully stick together. We all say at the same time."good and now this time with some feeling" my father asked we say it again

A little while after this we all decided it was time for us to go to bed after the long day that we had had training it was nice to fall asleep in my mates arms ofter a long day.

Sorry this chapter was so long tried to shorten it but next chapter will be out tomorrow its going to get crazy.

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