5. Help

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Yang Guang stood still in front of the dead dog with his eyes still on the open door from where Yin An rushed out. Although he believed the small man when he said he had the opposite power, seeing it first hand was too shocking. Also, the panic and sadness he saw in Yin An's bottomless eyes were too traumatising. Indeed, he had no pity for human beings, but somehow, he felt so bad for the weirdo. Maybe because their experience seemed so similar...

He had no idea.

The only thing he knew was his heart raging against his rib cage, making it hard for him to breathe. Rubbing his hand over his painful heart, he mumbled "maybe I should check on him... just to say the dog was on the verge of dying anyway."

Before his mind decided what to do, his body was already in action. First he wrapped the poor dog and carried it outside to bury later, then he took the path which the weirdo took before. The more he walked the more his heart agonised, so he started to run.

In less than ten minutes, he was in front of the old Lang's house and there was no doubt that the weirdo was there. The sizzling pain was too great to be wrong.

As well as the dead silence around the house...

With shaky hands, Yang Guang pushed the old wooden door and it yielded to his force immediately, revealing a horrifying sight.

The weirdo was on the floor, his stiff body convulsing non-stop. There were black lines like veins popped on his small face and hands, and his wide open eyes were all black. With shock, Yang Guang watched the black smoke spreading from the small body and killing the living creatures around like the poor pot flower.

Frozen on his spot, Yang Guang watched the hungry smoke reach up to him, but then nothing... The moment it contacted his black booths, it disappeared in a blink.

"He was right..." Yang Guang murmured in a daze which was broken by the painful gasping from the unconscious figure.

"SHIT!" Yang Guang exclaimed and rushed to the small figure. He didn't know what to do exactly, but the little scene from a second ago showed him that he could fix him with his powers. Brimming over with the urge to save the small man, he sat on the floor, put his hand on his cold small forehead and released his healing power.

As soon as his power spread inside the miserable young man, he stopped convulsing and his body started to relax. With curiosity, Yang Guang watched the black lines disappearing from the small face after a few minutes and his big eyes closed after the blackness left the sclera.

Seeing the weirdo was now in dreamland, Yang Guang heaved a relieved sigh and pulled off his hand. "Is that why you need my help?" he asked, but of course didn't get any answers. Cursing his luck as usual, he rose to his feet and after thinking for a second, he scooped the sleeping figure up to carry him to the bed leaning on the wall.

"A dog weighs more than you, no wonder you look so unhealthy," he reproached the unaware figure as he placed him softly under the red blanket. Although it was completely unnecessary, his naughty hand pushed the long black bangs off the small face and a soft smile appeared on his pink lips as he felt how soft the other's hair was underneath his fingers.

"THE BOND!" he suddenly exclaimed when he realised what he was doing. Holding the naughty hand with the other, he rationalised his action one more time, "it should be because of the bond he was talking about that I acted like crazy!"

Before he went crazy all together, he wanted to leave, but his shouting had already woken up the small man.


Hearing the hoarse voice, Yang Guang almost had a heart attack. He looked down to check and unfortunately, he was right. The weirdo was awake and was looking at him with sheer curiosity in his bottomless black eyes.

"You... okay?" Well done, mouth! Don't stare at him like a dead fish, eyes! Don't jolt like this, heart! What the hell is going on?!

"I..." Yin An started in a daze as he was still trying to process what his eyes were seeing. Yang Guang wouldn't really be there, right? Was he hallucinating? No, he seemed so real...

"You...?" Yang Guang asked with a frown as he halted his silent monologue.

"I am... okay!" Yin An shouted with sudden realisation, his eyes wide open. For the first time in his life, after an attack, his head wasn't throbbing with a blinding pain and his body wasn't stiff. "I am okay!" he shouted again with joy and grabbed Yang Guang's hands swiftly, "thank you!"

With the contact, Yang Guang felt electric jolts. Hastily, he saved his hands while murmuring "umm-hmm." He rubbed his nape, feeling a blush creeping on his face. Was he proud? No way, right?!

Unaware of his inner turmoil, Yin An continued, "grandma was right! You are indeed my miracle!"


"I al-" Yin An suddenly stopped and his smile was wiped off his face. With a panic-stricken face, he asked "the dog... is dead, right?"

Yang Guang nodded.

"Oh no..." the small man buried his face in his palms, his smile replaced by tears. He caused another death and he felt terrible about it. He was also afraid of being hunted again once his powers were known. He was used to moving from city to city, but now he found his other half and didn't want to leave him.

"It is okay," Yang Guang said with an urge to comfort the devastated man.

"Ha?" Yin An raised his head to look at the other, making the latter want to wipe his tears from his small face.

"That dog was about to die anyway," Yang Guang explained after sitting on the corner of the bed, "the owner knew about its condition as well, so don't worry, it will be between us."

Yin An sniffed, "really?" he asked with shock, "will you do that for me?"


Surprise! I finished this chapter earlier than I thought, so here you are darlings^^

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See ya <3

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