6. Because of the Bond...?

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Yang Guang lived all his life in misery and he thought he would never welcome anyone into his life again after his blind saviour died. Then how come he ran to a weird stranger to help him and promised to him that he would cover the incident? Didn't he want to get rid of him? Then why was he digging a hole in the forest to bury the dog? And why did he let that small man, whose name he had learned twenty minutes ago, cook dinner for him?

It should be because of the bond...

The same mantra found its way to Yang Guang's mind as he finished the burial. Maybe he should learn the entire story from Yin An. What would he lose? Indeed, he didn't want to be dragged into anyone's business nor believed that save-the-world crap, but maybe he could find a way to get rid of the bond and... what? Get rid of the small man as well? Sounded good, but didn't feel good.

Damn it! That bond!

Denying and huffing, Yang Guang walked back to his clinic and called the dog's owner to give him the sad news. Of course, the old Su was a bit resented, hearing the news as Yang Guang was the magic vet, but he knew his beloved dog was too old, so he hung up after mumbling a thanks for the burial.

Putting his phone on the counter, Yang Guang drummed his fingers on the marble surface, wondering what Yin An would cook for dinner. No! He wasn't wondering, he was just...

Okay, he was wondering, so what? It had been quite a while since he ate with someone who wouldn't judge his appearance, so he just missed the feeling. Continuing to drum his long fingers, he checked the white clock on the wall and saw it was only three thirty.

"Let's take a walk then," he muttered to himself before taking his old first-aid bag and brown lumber jacket to go out.

For the next two hours, he walked around in the forest and helped a knocked over nest back to a tree branch. Then he checked the wire separating the main road from the forest and was delighted to see that there were no stuck animals as he had already fixed the disjointed part before.

Reaching the other end of the forest, Yang Guang decided to call it a day and walked back to his clinic with slow steps. Once there, he took a shower and wore his best jeans and a dark blue pullover. He bundled his long white hair loosely and even applied some perfume. Why? He didn't know.

In case he would encounter someone from the town, he wore his dark blue shades, covering his whitish eyes and grabbed the bag with Yin An's containers and coat. He turned off the main lights and locked the door.

"Just a dinner, you don't even like the man," he tried to convince himself as his heart felt like it was about to explode with anticipation.

With no-slow steps, Yang Guang walked to the other side of the forest and knocked on the wooden door firmly.

"Oh, you are early," Yin An welcomed him, all smiles, and showed him to the two-person dark green sofa, "the dinner will be ready in ten."

Trying to divert his attention from the small man's elephant-faced printed pyjama bottoms, he handed him the bag he brought.

"Thank you," Yin An smiled cutely again and walked to the small kitchen area to finish the preparation.

After him, Yang Guang sat on the sofa for a few minutes, but as he couldn't see the small man cooking from where he sat, he walked to the dining table with soundless steps. Just like he expected, the small man fit perfectly to that small area.

"Would wine be too much?"

Yang Guang heard him mumbling and smiled at his antics. So, that innocent-looking small man was actually quite cunning, using the dinner as an excuse to woo him.

"I don't think wine would suit that marvellous pyjamas of yours," Yang Guang commented, not being able to resist the urge.

"Ah," Yin An's soul almost left his body with the voice coming behind him. Itching his nape with embarrassment, he asked "how long have you been sitting there?"

"Long enough," the taller man answered with a smirk.

"I see," the small man chuckled nervously, then he realised what the other said. Looking at him with a frown, he asked "did you say pyjama?"

Yang Guang was barely holding himself from laughing. He bit his bottom lip, gesturing at the small man's bottom pants with his chin.

Looking down, Yin An cursed inwardly. How come he forgot to change those damn pyjamas?!!! Redness spread on his overly pale face with abashment as he mumbled "give me a sec" and rushed to the bathroom where he left his clothes for the evening.

When he was back with baggy jeans and an orange hoodie, the only thing that appeared in Yang Guang's mind was cute.

"We can eat now," Yin An announced abruptly as he couldn't figure out the look on the taller man's face. Didn't he like his outfit?

Nodding, Yang Guang pried his eyes off the cute man and helped him to bring the utensils to the small square table.

"Hope you will like it," Yin An said with hope lacing through his words as he served the vegetable soup.

So domestic, Yang Guang said inwardly, but dismissed the idea immediately. He took a sip from the soup and nodded in appreciation.

"Really?" the small man beamed.


"Yayy!" Yin An clapped his hands, and then suddenly, he leaned forward and took off the other's dark blue shades, "you don't need those around me."

Finally hearing those words which he had always yearned to hear, Yang Guang felt his heart jolted, and this time he didn't put the blame on the bond...

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