8. Needs Time

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"So you found him!"

Yin An tucked his phone between his shoulder and cheek, "yes, but he is not enthusiastic to have me in his life," he said as he added some salt to the soup he was cooking.

"Then show him your charms," the old woman said with deh tone, making the grandson roll his eyes.

"My charms? Shall I teach him how to create a webpage?"

"You know what I mean," the old woman sneered, "your time is running out, so do something fast."

Yin An stopped stirring the soup, "I know," he whispered dejectedly and ended the call. Then he erased the call log just like they always do.

"A soup to gain his heart..." he mumbled on his own, looking at the innocuous soup with a displeased expression, "I hope it is true that the way to a man's heart is through his stomach."




"Why are you here?" Yang Guang asked, surprised, seeing the small man in the clinic.

"Is it how you welcome a friend?" Yin An sulked and grabbed the door before it got closed, "shall I go?"

"No," the tall man said hastily, then feigned a cough to hide his embarrassment, "you are already here, so sit down."

Smiling triumphantly, Yin An sat on the wooden chair and placed his bag on the table in front of him, "I brought you lunch, do you have time?"

Trying not to be seen as over-enthusiastic about homemade food, let alone it was the small man who cooked it personally for him, Yang Guang nodded and walked from behind the counter to sit across from Yin An.

"I have beef soup and noodles," Yin An said as he set the table.

"It smells nice." A compliment wouldn't smear his cold demeanour, right?

Yin An beamed, "I hope it also tastes good, it is my grandma's recipe."

The spoon in the tall man's hand stopped midair for a second before he took it to his mouth. Then he left it in the bowl and interlocked his elongated fingers on the table.

"Is something wrong with the taste?" the small man asked immediately as his attention was solely on the other man.

"No, it is pretty good," Yang Guang answered with a friendly smile, then he added "I just wondered why you don't live with your family anymore."

Suddenly, Yin An's expression grew doleful. He sighed heavily before answering, "I also don't know the exact reason, but my grandma said it was necessary for me to leave her and find you by myself. Maybe it was because of..."

"Because of...?" Yang Guang leaned forward curiously.

Yin An bit his lower lip, regretting revealing that much. It wouldn't do any good if the other man learned about his evil father that soon, right? It would only scare him away.

Seeing his unwillingness, Yang Guang took his spoon back, "just forget about it, let's continue."

"Thank you," Yin An smiled with relief and the weird duo continued their lunch with harmless topics like programming. As it was his expertise, Yin An talked about it non-stop, not letting the awkward silence fill the room.

When they were done, Yin An collected the empty containers and looked at the tall man with anticipation, "do you want to come for dinner?"

Well, Yang Guang would love to go for dinner and that was a problem. Wasn't it him who half-heartedly accepted to be friends after making the small man almost beg him? Acting in contrast to his previous words wouldn't make him a hypocrite? If he felt that much of a pull only after seeing him three times, he could lose his mind if the small man was constantly around. What if he got attached to him fully? What would happen when Yin An decided it was time to go? Was he ready to leave the only place he felt like home to the unknown?

All these dilemmas haunted his mind and found their ways to his lips in the form of a negative answer.

"I have some work to do."

"Ah," Yin An nodded dejectedly, "then see you at lunch tomorrow," he said and before Yang Guang could say anything, he left the clinic.

He just needs time...

But I don't have much time...

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