9. The Downpour and A Silly Man

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"So, I will see you tomorrow, bye," Yin An waved his hand with a fake smile and left the clinic with empty containers as usual. As it was their fourth lunch together, he wanted to save Yang Guang from finding another lame excuse for not coming for dinner... or walk... or movie.

"At least he has no objection for lunch," the sad man consoled himself as he walked home alone. Again.

Yin An wasn't aware, but a pair of light eyes watched him walking away with complicated emotions. Indeed, Yang Guang was a cold man, but it was actually killing him to see the dejected look on the small man's face. He was dying to pull him into his embrace and kiss him senseless... but he couldn't do it. Although the pull was strong, he was aware that Yin An was hiding many things from him. For example, he never opened up the topic about him dying or saving people again, or answered any detailed questions about his family. He was highly suspicious and if added his previous dilemmas on top of it, it was wise to keep his distance from the weird man.


He could have that indulgence, right? It wasn't like he was giving pious hope to him. Come on, he didn't even give him his cellphone number.

"Whatever, he is a noisy type, I am sure he will spill all the beans before this week ends," he talked to himself and closed the glass door.




Yin An stood in front of the door, trying to decide whether to take an umbrella or not. He saw dark clouds gathering, but the weather forecast didn't show rain. "Whatever," he mumbled after a short ruminating session, and left the house without an umbrella as his lunch bag was heavy enough.

The first five minutes, it was indeed okay. There were only a few hesitant drops falling sporadically, leaving random wet spots on Yin An's coat. However, soon it turned out to be a downpour, washing everything like an enthusiastic mother.

Cursing his luck, Yin An oscillated between going back home and the clinic for a brief second before he wrongly assumed that he was closer to the clinic. Damn rain! It was making it hard for him to see his surroundings! Securing the precious bag, he fastened his steps and moved (hopefully) towards the clinic, accompanied by the scary thunder.

With fear of being lost in the forest, he walked and fell and walked and fell for almost fifteen minutes, but eventually his eyes caught the blurry sight of the clinic's white signboard.

Thank Heavens!!!

While Yin An was fighting the downpour, the other man was in the town, watching the rain anxiously.

"Don't even think about that."

The voice behind him broke Yang Guang's trance. Turning his head, he asked "ha?"

The owner of the small market smiled all-knowingly, "going out, I mean. Your hand is on the handle."

"Oh," Yang Guang dropped his hand helplessly. She was right, it was impossible to go out when it was raining like hell. With a sigh, he took the small stool she offered earlier and hoped Yin An was smart enough not to leave his house to come to the clinic. Too bad, if he had his phone number, he could call him, but as he didn't have it, all he could do was feeling anxious and hoping.


Luckily, after another fifteen minutes, the downpour turned into drizzle and Yang Guang left the market pell-mell. He drove back to the clinic as fast as he could and almost ran the remaining distance, not caring about making his sneakers dirty.

Good that he did that as there was a shivering figure crouched down in front of the front door.

"Yin An!" he exclaimed with horror and rushed to the small figure. He was wet and covered in mud all over, even his hair. His arms were wrapped around the lunch bag as if he was trying to transfer its warmth to his shivering body.

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