23. Crisis Averted

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Yang Guang had finished his shower when he heard the familiar scream. He hastily wrapped a towel around his waist and rushed out of the bathroom, his heart raging against his ribcage. If Yin An accidentally killed another dog, he wouldn't recover from that for a while.

Not minding his wet bare feet slipping on the cold smooth floor, he made it to the clinic area in less than ten seconds and almost heaved a relieved sigh, seeing the dog was still alive. However, his breath stuck in his throat as the ill-intended black smoke fell into his line of vision. He considered rushing to the dog, but the poor thing was on the other side of the room and he only had around a few seconds.

In his panicking state, his brain graciously let him remember something useful. Not caring about the possibility of slipping and falling onto his butt, he raised his right foot and stomped it hard on the floor.


White healing power released from Yang Guang and intercepted Yin An's killing power. The contrasting powers clashed on the floor and tried to outpower the other. At least the small dog was now aware of the danger. As it sensed that her barking wouldn't intimidate the weird smoke, she opted for running to a safer place.

Seeing the dog running for dear life, Yang Guang rushed to his lover, who was standing with all-black eyes and black lines all over his body. The experienced man hugged the not-so-conscious man and covered him with healing power.

Yin An was like a piece of rock until his boyfriend's yang energy enveloped him fully and pushed his yin energy back. Only when the blackness left his eyes and body, his tensed figure relaxed, and he collapsed in the vet's arms.

Yang Guang simply gathered him in a bridal position and carried his small figure to the bed. As if he was a fragile flower, the vet ever gently put him under the quilt. He hastily put some random clothes on and wanted to boil some water for his drained boyfriend, but suddenly a hand grabbed his pants, preventing him from going.

"Oh, you are awake? How do you feel?" Yang Guang asked as he sat on the edge of the bed, covering the small man's cold hand in his warm one.

Yin An avoided eye contact. Biting his lower lip, he softly asked "the dog...?"

"She is okay," the tall man said with a smile, "don't worry."

"Really?!" a lone tear trickled down from the small man's eye as he clung on his boyfriend's arm, showing his gratitude. Then he took an upright position with the sudden realisation and asked "how come she is alive? I saw my power reaching up to her."

"I blocked your power," Yang Guang explained laconically with a proud smile before pushing the small man on his back again, "now rest a bit."

Though Yang Guang's explanation was brief and simple, the effect of the limpid words was huge. Gaping at his boyfriend's face, Yin An saturated this marvellous revelation. He thought Yang Guang's power could neutralise his powers only when it was the right time, but apparently it wasn't the case.

Then I should be okay for a while.... right...?

After living in horror every second, knowing that there was a safety valve next to him was refreshing.

"Is there something wrong? Why are you looking at me like this?" Yang Guang asked nervously as his lover was looking at him in silence.

"Thank you."

"Ha?" the vet was starting to think that there was indeed something off about the other man.

Yin An took a sitting position again and circled his arms around his boyfriend's waist, "thank you for being with me, thank you for saving the situation all the time, thank you for giving me hope."

Not knowing how to respond to such heart-melting words, Yang Guang could only murmur a 'hmm-hmm' and hug his lover back.

They sat in that hugging position until Yang Guang felt Yin An's arms loosened around his waist. Obviously, he still felt weak after that intense attack. Therefore, he gently pried his arms off and lowered him to the pillow again. "I will prepare something to eat for you," he said with a smile before giving his lover a kiss on the forehead.

"No need," Yin An smiled feebly, "I already brought lunch."

"Wonderful news!" Yang Guang exclaimed in relief, "otherwise we would make use of some instant noodles," he confessed, "now rest while I reheat the food."

Yin An chuckled softly before he slid into sleep.

While he was in the dreamland, Yang Guang found the dog under the cupboard in the bathroom, sleeping in a cute position. He took her into his arms carefully and walked to the clinic area. Then he called the owner and sent the lucky creature away in less than half an hour.

After he eliminated the danger within Yin An's reach, he reheated the food and carried his still tired lover to the table.

Luckily, one more crisis was averted and the hint about the red-covered book was the cherry on the top.

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