22. A Terrifying Encounter

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"I am so sorry."

"It is okay, I will just check the remaining books, then bring you lunch. After that, we can go to the library together," Yin An reassured his lover, who had to go to the clinic for a forgotten appointment.

"It won't take that long," Yang Guang gave his cute boyfriend a kiss on the head and wore his jacket, "I will call you once they leave."

Nodding with a smile, Yin An almost pushed Yang Guang out of his house and grabbing his coffee, he sat in front of the table with the three remaining books. After the disappointing first book, he called his grandmother to get some encouragement. As usual, the old woman answered the phone at the third ringing.

"Hey, dear, how are you?"

Hearing the familiar amiable voice, Yin An felt a bucket of cool water poured over his anxious heart, making him calmer. "Hey, grandma, I am fine," he replied with a forced cheerful voice, "how about you?"

"Something is bothering you," the old woman declared as if she could feel his emotions.

Yin An didn't attempt to deny it. Playing with the edge of the page, he said "blue maple search isn't going well."


"Ha?" Yin An frowned, not understanding.

The old woman explained, "I don't know what kind of a search you have been doing, but it will be associated with the colour red."

"A red book cover!" Yin An exclaimed with hope. This information could help them to reduce the effort and save time.

"Can be," the woman assented, "be careful, I will call you if I see another vision."

"Ok, grandma, take care, love you," Yin An sent a kiss through the line and ended the call with a smile.

A red covered book.

It was indeed a good hint. Hastily, he spread the books on the table and seeing none of them had a red cover, he placed them into his backpack and decided to cook lunch.

Meanwhile, Yang Guang was cursing inwardly as the butcher had no intention to leave him alone with his dog which was sick for four days.

"You can rest at the front side, I will take care of her," the vet tried to shoo him away to heal the poor creature with his powers.

"I am good," the stubborn man refused. From his face, it was obvious he didn't trust the weird-looking vet.

Understanding the meaning of his cold gaze, Yang Guang gritted his teeth, but then he put on a victorious smile on his face.

"She has to stay here for the day so that I can observe her condition better."

It was childish, but the vet didn't mind it. The round was him and he fully enjoyed his victory.

Huffing and mumbling something incoherent, the man left the clinic.

As the obstacle was gotten rid of, Yang Guang smiled at the tiny creature and put his hand on the soft brown guard hair to release his healing power. She trembled under his fingertips for a second before healing completely. She barked excitedly, thanking her saviour in her own language.

"I love you too," Yang Guang patted the excited dog lovingly and put her on the floor so that she could enjoy her time freely until Yin An came. Then he went to take a shower before calling his lover.

Unfortunately, Yin An was already close to the clinic as he didn't wait for Yang Guang's call. Brimming with the hope his grandmother provided, he walked to the clinic with his usual food bag as well as the backpack full of library books.

It was lucky that the bags were heavy for him to carry, so his steps were slow; otherwise another catastrophe would be inevitable.

Breathing heavily, Yin An pushed the door open with his body and used the momentum to enter the clinic. He took two steps toward the wooden table to leave his heavy bags, but hearing the loud and high-pitched barking, he froze on his spot. His fearful eyes turned towards the source of the voice and saw it was a small dog without a leash.

The dog kept barking yet it didn't move from his spot as if it felt the dangerous energy coming from Yin An.

"Good girl," Yin An said with a trembling voice as he took a step back towards the door. He wanted to leave the clinic before something happened to the small creature, but unaware of his noble thought, the dog darted towards him, only Heavens knew why.

Panicking, Yin An veered to the other side, trying to keep the distance between the dog and himself. He cried out Yang Guang's name for help, but the other was nowhere to be around.

"Don't come close!" Yin An implored desperately as he was stuck on the corner. He tried to keep his mind calm; however, he failed miserably. In horror, he saw the black smoke-like energy start to trickle down from him to the white floor.



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