12. Warm Lips

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"No grandma, he didn't say anything about loving me," Yin An repeated for the third time, rolling his eyes, but the old woman was deaf to his voice.

"Didn't he say he cares about you?"

"So? Can't a friend care for his friend? A normal friend?"

The old woman sighed in desperation, "then show him that you are not interested in being his normal friend!"

"Grandma!" Yin An exclaimed, "shall I throw myself on him?!"

"You better do that!"

Yin An let out an irritated sigh, "never mind" he replied and ended the call.

He deleted the call history and threw the old phone on the dining table. Then he rubbed his face to let out his frustration. His grandma was unbelievable! Throwing himself on Yang Guang?! The latter would just run for his dear life! He admitted that when Yang Guang said he cared about him and returned the hug on the previous afternoon, he thought they took a step forward, but no. After breaking the hug, the white-haired guy just pretended as if nothing happened and he left right after lunch!

There were no words to describe his disappointment...

"What to do?" Yin An asked to himself, rubbing his face one more time, but no answer found its way to his confused mind.

Just like Yin An, Yang Guang was having an internal dilemma. After the happenings of the other day, he no longer denied his overwhelming feelings for the small man, but his fears and insecurities were holding him back. He literally didn't know the small man as he was not telling anything personal about himself, no matter how many days they hung out together. Tsk. It was a tasteless situation.

"Maybe I should ask him directly..." Yang Guang mumbled as he finished cleaning the surgery equipment.

As if it was a sign, the glass door was knocked two times and it opened. Knowing by heart that it was Yin An, Yang Guang smiled unwittingly and walked to the front side to greet the small man.

"I have chicken!" Yin An announced, showing the food containers proudly.

Yang Guang let out a small chuckle and took his place on the table while Yin An got rid of the lids. Like usual, they ate in a blissful atmosphere, chit-chatting about random stuff, but their tea time was interrupted by a man who was holding a turtle in a blue blanket.

"Where is the vet?!" the man almost shouted in panic as his eyes disregarded the duo.

"I am," Yang Guang declared and stood up to check the poor creature, but his hands hung midair as the man took a step back with a shocked expression.

"You are the vet?!!" As if seeking some explanation, he looked at Yin An, who was glaring at him.

"Yes, do you have a problem with your hearing?" Yang Guang asked sardonically, his gaze cold as ice even behind the shaded glasses. How ironic, even after many years, that kind of treatment still hurt, no matter how hard he tried to cover it under his cold demeanour.

"The audacity!" the man shouted in horror, "have you ever checked yourself in the mirror?!"


Yang Guang looked at the owner of the voice, bewildered. Yin An was on his feet, shaking with anger. His black eyes were shining dangerously as he stared at the man with clear rage.

"WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?! SAY ANOTHER WORD TO HIM AND I WILL SEW YOUR MOUTH!" Yin An continued while he walked between Yang Guang and the man. Though it looked funny for 1.87 of a man to be covered by a 1.68 of a man, all Yang Guang could feel was gratitude.

"YOU... YOU... FREAK!" the man shouted one more time before rushing out for dear life. No matter how small the angry man looked, he felt the evil aura emitting from him.

"DON'T RUN!" Yin An attempted to chase the man, but a pair of arms wrapped around his shoulders and held him on his spot.

"Let him go, he isn't worth it," Yang Guang said with honesty. The moment Yin An stepped forward for him, the man's words lost their impact.

Frozen with the sudden intimate action, Yin An could only stand there, his heart racing. After being sure it wasn't a dream, he managed to utter, "but..."

"No buts," Yang Guang rubbed his chin on his silky hair reassuringly, and broke the hug almost reluctantly.

Yin An let out a silent whimper with the loss of warmth, then remembered something important, "the turtle!" he exclaimed with worry.

Looking at his clueless cute face, Yang Guang chuckled and ruffled his hair instinctively, "it was just hibernating, nothing to worry."

"Thanks Heavens," Yin An sighed in relief and suddenly he was drawn into a tight hug, a pair of warm lips pressing on his.

Yang Guang was kissing him!!!!!!


Surprise!! This author worked hard for this surprise chapter, so please don't forget to vote and comment^^

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