3. Yin and Yang

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The knocking on the glass door startled Yang Guang, who was checking the small cat the bar owner brought last night. He closed the fence and took off his surgical gloves, then walked to the front side of the small vet clinic.


It was that weirdo!

And he already saw him! Smiling like crazy, that weirdo gestured to him to open the door. Sighing in irritation, Yang Guang decided to ignore him, so he went back again. However, that small trouble was persistent. He kept knocking and knocking and knocking, driving Yang Guang mad.

At the end, Yang Guang lost it and rushed to the door. Opening it harshly, he almost yelled, "what do you want from me?!!"

Ignoring the white-haired man's anger, Yin An raised his hand and showed the bag he was holding. Smiling brightly, he said "I brought you lunch."

Yang Guang was agape. Which part that small man didn't understand when he repeated to leave him alone? There must be something very wrong with his head.

"Then excuse me," Yin An said softly as he sneaked into the clinic under the vet's arm.

"Hey, get out!" Yang Guang shouted, but Yin An was already in front of the small wooden table, taking out his metal food containers from his bag.

"I may look incapable, but I am a good cook," the small man said proudly as he placed the chopsticks on the table.

"Don't you understand Chinese?" Yang Guang snorted, his hands around his waist.

Yin An looked at him, unbothered, "it is you who don't understand," he said and sat on the chair, "we are destined to be together, so please sit and hear me out."

Yang Guang heaved a sigh in the face of his antics, "you won't leave me alone until I listen to you, right?"

Yin An shook his head with a smile.

"Then be fast," Yang Guang gave in and slumped on the empty chair, across from the small man.

The small man smiled triumphantly, annoying the tall man.

"So..." Yang Guang urged the other to start talking before he threw him out of the window.

"You really don't know about me?" Yin An asked dejectedly.


The dejected man sighed, "well, I knew about you since I was a child. My grandmother is a psychic and-"

"Keep it short," Yang Guang cut him off.

Yin An sighed again, feeling it wouldn't be easy to conquer the tall man. "As you noticed, I am different like you, actually we represent the opposite sides."

Now, Yang Guang was intrigued a bit. Leaning on his elbows, he asked "what do you mean?"

"You are healthy and tall; your hair and eyes are whitish because you have the healing power. Meanwhile I am mostly sick and short, and I have pitch-black hair and eyes because I have the..."


"... killing power," Yin An finished, sadness emitting through his words.

"Killing power?" Yang Guang wasn't convinced.

"Yes... so we are like Yin and Yang, just like our names."

There was a silence after that as Yang Guang stared at Yin An intently. He wanted to laugh it off, but somehow he believed the small man was telling the truth. Still, he didn't see the reason why that weirdo was looking for him everywhere.

"So?" At the end, it was all he could ask.

"So?" Yin An was taken aback. He expected him to laugh at him or even call him a liar, but his nonchalant question was too shocking.

"Yes, so?" Yang Guang repeated with a bored expression, "let's say we are like day and night. So? What does it have to do with me?"

Shock after shock. Poor Yin An could only gape. He raked his long bangs back and said "we are destined as I have said before. We should be together."

"No, thank you," Yang Guang shook his hand, dismissing the idea.


"No buts," the tall man cut him off harshly, "human beings are all selfish creatures and I hate them all the same, including you. I don't care about your magical power or whatever... I only know that I want you to leave me alone."

"What?" Yin An slammed his hands on the table, "you don't even know me, why do you say that you hate me?!"

"What is there to know?" Yang Guang challenged him, quirking his white eyebrow, "are you here just because you believe we are meant to be? Just that?"

That silenced Yin An. He pulled his hands off the table and rested them on his lap with a thoughtful expression. When he started to talk again, his voice was low, "I know we are destined to be. I don't know why no one in your family at least took you a shrine, but-"

"CAUSE I HAVE NO FAMILY!" Yang Guang rose to his feet angrily and maybe a bit resented. This weirdo in front of him was claiming that he had a killing power, but apparently, his family didn't abandon him. And look at him! He had a marvellous power of healing, but he was abandoned by his own family, then was almost killed in the orphanage! What kind of luck was it?!

"I am so sorry, I didn't know," Yin An also rose to his feet with sad eyes.

Yang Guang huffed and looked him in the eye, "tell me why you need me, NOW!"

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