14. Is Love Something Like This?

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Yin An heaved a tired sigh and contemplated how to explain the entire situation. Yang Guang seemed to be still shocked and sceptical, so he had to be sensible as well as sensitive.

"There is a prophecy." Well, that didn't sound so sensible, but whatever!

"A prophecy?" Yang Guang barely managed not to roll his eyes. Was he serious? How could he spend all his life based on nonsense?

"You may not believe it, but it is true," Yin An replied as he heard the disbelief in the tall man's words clearly. The latter opted to be silent, so the small man continued, "I had told you before that my grandmother was a psychic. She saw the prophecy and you clearly in her vision. Think about it, without her guidance how could I find you?"

A part of him still wanted to resist the idea, but his heart knew better. Surrendering, he nodded his head and grabbed the small man's hands, "let's say the prophecy is real, where can we find a blue maple?"

His cooperation made Yin An smile. He squeezed the hands holding his and declared "I have been searching about it, I found a few leads, but..."


Yin An sighed, "nothing worthy."

"Oh," Yang Guang felt his heart drop. If the prophecy was real, then they had around forty-five days. Tskk.

Seeing his contorted expression, Yin An slightly panicked and let out a forced chuckle, "I know it is too much to take in, let's just forget-"

"And let you die?"

Yin An pinched the bridge of his nose, not knowing what to say. A few minutes ago, Yang Guang kissed him, then he said he didn't know him enough, and now he was acting as if he was madly in love with him. Aiyaa...

"You make me soooo confused," the small man declared after a minute of silence.

"Why?" Yang Guang asked with a frown.

"Why?" Yin An mimicked him, shocked, "you kissed me, then implied you aren't ready for a relationship. And now, you are shouting at me for Heaven knows why."

"Of course I am shouting at you," Yang Guang said with wide open eyes, "you can't just declare you will die, then say forget about it!"

"I should do it!" the small man yelled back, "you don't love me, so all I can do is to wait silently until you do!"

"I didn't say anything about not loving you!"

"What?!" Yin An looked at him, bewildered. A sudden blush attacked his cheeks.

Self-reproaching himself for being so blunt, Yang Guang buried his head on his palms and heaved a sigh. Then he raised his head back and looked at the small man in the eye intently.

"I just want to know you better, if we are to set out on a journey, I have to know my company well, no?"

Company... Yin An didn't like the word. No, not at all. So, they were back to zero. Crashing under the heavy feeling of disappointment, he rose to his weak legs.

"You are so contradictory," the sad man almost whispered, "you should decide what you feel about me."

Yang Guang froze for a second. He wanted to say something... anything, but the small man had already left the clinic with his food containers.

"It is all f* up!" the tall man buried his head in his palms.

The silence of the clinic seemed to agree with him...




Hearing the little doorbell, Yang Guang looked up with anticipation, but seeing it was a guy from the town, his eyes got dull again.

"Bad timing?" the man asked in a sarcastic voice, getting on the white-haired man's nerves.

"Always," Yang Guang snorted and almost snatched the pet carrier from his hand. Without saying anything else, he walked inside and vaccinated the Tabby cat. Then he carried the hugging cat and the empty carrier to the front office.

"So fast," the man commented, seeing the vet after only one minute.

"I will call you for the next one," Yang Guang said with his usual coldness and handed the reluctant cat and the carrier.

"I swear you can ONLY communicate with animals," the man snorted and left the clinic.

Behind him, the vet thought about his words and found them true. Indeed, he could only communicate with animals. Even his so-called destiny man was offended by his miscommunication and left him.

"It is already one pm," he murmured by himself, "so you won't come today as well..."

Wasn't he used to being alone? Then why did he feel that lonely without the small man? Why was he so remorseful for not chasing after him two days ago? Why did he feel like suffocating?

Was love something like that?

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