19. Taking Care Of

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"Are you sure you don't want to stay in and rest for a bit more?" Yang Guang asked with concern as he watched Yin An putting on his boots. They had spent the entire night checking the books they borrowed from the library and Yin An almost had an attack. Almost... if Yang Guang wasn't there, passing him his healing energy.

With one boot on his foot and one in his hand, Yin An looked at his concerned lover with a reassuring smile, "I am fine, I slept well and ate well," he said and sneakily stole a kiss by raising on the tip of his toes, "also I have you by my side, so no worries."

Though being a little distracted by the impromptu kiss, he still looked hesitant. Sighing, he watched his small lover wear the other shoe, then he pulled him into his arms and smashed their lips to pass him some more yang energy in case.

As Yin An was more than willing, he circled his arms around Yang Guang's neck and opened his mouth to deepen the kiss.

Although it started with a very innocent intention, the kiss got heated for a few good minutes until Yin An broke it with the returning sense of responsibility. "We... need to go," he said slowly as he tried to regulate his breathing.

Feigning a cough, Yang Guang nodded, "right."

Hand in hand, they walked through the forest towards the town. The weather was fresh and the sporadic singing of the birds gave them a nice feeling.

"Look," Yang Guang halted his steps and he pointed at the left, "they are Ghent Azalea, it had been a while seeing those."

Taking it as a good omen, Yin An wanted to see them closer. He left Yang Guang's hand and took a few stray steps to approach the yellow flowers spread around lazily.

"They smell pretty nice," he commented with a smile, but in a second, the flowers started to change their forms. Their bright colour faded as if life sucked out of them and they turned to dead branches under the panicking gaze of Yin An. He took a few shaky steps back and collided into his lover's broad chest behind him.

"I didn't mean to do it!" the terrified man exclaimed with a hoarse voice as he turned around and hugged his lover to neutralise his yin energy. Because of the fact that Yang Guang passed him a good amount of healing energy before they left his house, Yin An thought that there wouldn't be any problem for a while. But apparently he was wrong. He didn't even touch the flowers, but the poor things still died in a blink of an eye. As he didn't even feel the flow of the killing energy, his powers must have been increasing just like his grandmother said.

After the initial shock, Yang Guang hugged his lover, who was like a fluttering small bird. He caressed his trembling back with both hands and whispered "it is okay, just a flower... nothing important."

Although in his heart, he believed it was something important, Yin An didn't utter a word and let his lover consoled him. He couldn't let himself drown in misery for long as they had to resume their search in the library. Unwillingly, he broke the hug and forced a smile on his pale face.

"Are you okay?" Yang Guang asked rhetorically as he could see that his smile was fake. It was killing his heart to see his lover broken like that. He wanted nothing more than to wrap him up with soft cottons and hide him in a place where nothing could hurt him.

"Yeah, I was just startled," Yin An lied blatantly and threw a pitying glance towards the dead flowers before walking away.

Seeing his restless state, a thought came into Yang Guang's mind. Without making Yin An notice, he got closer to the dead flowers and put his hand on the ground, releasing his healing power towards the roots. As Yin An didn't kill the flowers intentionally, maybe there was a chance that his killing power didn't reach under the earth; afterall, the other plants around were still alive. He couldn't bring anything dead back to life, but if there were some parts alive, then it could be possible.

Hoping and anticipating, Yang Guang used his healing power and was delighted to see the small sprouts appearing on the ground.

"DARYIN!" he exclaimed in joy, making Yin An turn around swiftly.

"What happened?" the small man asked as he rushed back where his lover was crouching down.

"Look," Yang Guang gestured at the fresh blossoms of Ghent Azalea with a smile.

"Ha? How?" all the gloom left Yin An's face.

"The roots or maybe the seeds," Yang Guang said as he held his lover's hand tight. That way he couldn't release any killing energy and harm the flowers again.

"Amazing," Yin An whispered with innocent jealousy, a sad smile forming on his lips. He felt so destructive as well as like a heavy burden. Would these kinds of things repeat again and again until they broke this damn curse? First he killed the poor dog and Yang Guang took care of it for him, and now it was poor flowers which Yang Guang had to take care of again.

Doesn't he feel like a cleaner? Isn't it too troublesome to be with me? How long will it take for him to realise I am nothing but a burden?

The obnoxious questions filled his mind and his body got stiff. Maybe it would have been best if he just died alone when the time came. He could surely find a barren place unoccupied by people. By this way Yang Guang could live normally in the town and he himself wouldn't have to go through the pain when his lover realised he was a burd-


The painful shout snapped Yin An out of his miserable thoughts. The curtain in front of his vision disappeared and he saw his lover was sitting on the hard ground, holding his ankle with a pained expression.

The colour drained from Yin An's face...


Hey cuties, as I have a bit free time, I will try to update twice a week, probably on Mondays and Thursdays ^^

If you like the chapter don't forget to vote and comment because it is what motivates me to write. Thank you and hope to see you on Monday <3<3<3

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