7. Friends, hmm

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"Are you okay? You have been in a daze since dinner," Yin An asked with concern as he handed Yang Guang a cup of coffee.

"I..." what? Flustered by your sweet words? Overwhelmed by your wonderful dishes?


"...nothing," Yang Guang completed with a tiny smile.

After that, there was silence until Yin An broke it. Trying not to sound too intrusive, he asked "so, when did you start to live alone?"

Yang Guang lowered the cup to his lap and looked at the small man sitting on the chair in front of the sofa. Though he hated to be asked things, there was nothing accusative in his pitch black eyes, just pure curiosity.

"My parents left me when I was a baby."

Yin An almost dropped the cup, hearing his honest reply. "I am... sorry."

Was it sadness he heard in his tone? But why? He didn't even know him, so there was no reason for him to feel upset. Right?

"Then how did you end up here? As a vet especially?" Yin An changed the topic, trying to ease the doleful expression on the taller man's almost transparent eyes.

Yang Guang took a deep breath, trying to determine how much he wanted to reveal. He could just say he didn't want to talk about his past, but somehow, he had a desire to share his painful story with that small man. He was probably the only person who could understand him fully, so maybe he instinctively sought some comfort.

He wasn't sure, but his mouth was as it started to spill; "after my parents left me to a church orphanage, a nice nun took care of me as her own. I liked her so much, but one day she died suddenly, leaving me to the mercy of the others. I endured the bullying for a few years, but then I eavesdropped on the church-head's conversation about getting rid of me, so I ran away when I was fourteen. From town to town, I dragged myself, stealing stuff to stay alive. Then one day, I was caught by a blind man in this town..."

"So, he took you in?" Yin An uttered softly with relief.

Yang Guang nodded with a soft smile, "because he was blind, I didn't have to hide my weird appearance. I stopped dying my hair and wearing the shades I stole before. The old guy taught me about animals and thanks to him I earned an online certificate on being a vet technician. Though he mentioned about me to the town people, at first, I had never shown up when someone was in the clinic. Like that, years passed by and gradually I stopped hiding myself."

With a teasing smile, Yin An pointed at the shades on the taller man's head, "how about these?"

"Ah," Yang Guang let out a soft chuckle, "the sun bothers my eyes."

"And..." the small man insisted.

"... and the people's curious stares. They think my hair is dyed, but with eyes, it is hard to find an excuse."

Contented, Yin An clapped his hands, "well done, it wasn't that hard to say the truth, right?"

Yang Guang threw him a hard glare, "and why do I have to say the truth? I don't even know you."

That was meant to be offensive, but Yin An just smiled with understanding. Fixing his black orbs to his light ones, he said "because we are similar... because we need to be honest to get to know each other."

Trying not to be pulled into that deep gaze, Yang Guang snorted "are we similar? How come? Didn't you keep talking about your family? A family that didn't discard you like a piece of shit..."

"Ah," Yin An murmured as he leaned back on his chair, "that was why you treated me that badly... because you resented me for not being abandoned."

Like a fish out of water, Yang Guang opened and closed his mouth, not knowing how to respond. He wanted to reject the accusation, but gaping like a fish, he already lost that chance. Therefore, he could only call it a night and flee with his remaining dignity.

"It is getting late, thanks for the dinner," he mumbled as he stood up, but Yin An's words nailed him to his spot.

"Having a nice family doesn't mean that I had a good life. We used to flee from town to town whenever my cursed powers were exposed. In fear of killing them, I couldn't approach anyone," the small man chuckled bitterly, "my school life only lasted a week. So, I am saying we are more alike than you think."

Yang Guang clicked his tongue, feeling irritated all of a sudden. Folding his arms over his chest, he snorted "let's say you are right, we are alike... so? What do you want? Coming together once a week to cry about our painful lives? No, right? You are only using this card to get me to help you with your attacks. Nothing more!"

"No!" Yin An exclaimed as he also jumped on his feet. He put his cup on the coffee table hastily, spilling a few drops, and grabbed the taller man's arm, "I really want to be your... friend. I have always longed for someone who can understand and accept me, and I know it is the same for you," he tugged his arm in a pleading manner, "I won't deny the pull I feel towards you, but I am willing to remain as a good friend if you wish so."

Yang Guang looked at the small hand tugging his arm with complicated emotions, "even if I refuse to use my power to help you?" he asked nonchalantly, trying to read the smaller man's mind.

"Okay, no problem," Yin An lied blatantly with a sad smile, "I am used to it anyway."

Why the hell does he have to look like a kicked pup?! Yang Guang cursed inwardly while his heart already knew that he wouldn't stand seeing the small man in pain.

They had been entangled since their first eye-contact and there was probably no going back...


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