19. Truth or Lies

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When Kaz Brekker put all his energy towards something, it would always become a reality.

It was rare for him to do so. Given the amount that Per Haskell had Kaz control, he was always juggling multiple things at once.

But if Kaz Brekker focused all his energy on finding a unicorn, as an example, everyone better believe that they would see a unicorn sitting in his office within the week.

And now all he was focused on was her.

He had made the right adjustments around the Slat and Crow Club to keep things running without him getting interrupted.

Per Haskell took some convincing, but even he agreed that the Dime Lions having the shadow summoner on their side would put them all in danger. Eventually, he gave Kaz the go ahead he needed to get her back.

Kaz began with gathering all the information he possibly could surrounding what Pekka Rollins was having Winnie do for the Dime Lions. What kinds of jobs she was most likely to be working, what days, what locations?

Dirtyhands had earned his reputation for being a thief, not just any thief, one of the best. Kaz had come to learn that nothing is impenetrable, not even hell itself. So, he knew that eventually he would find the small crack in Pekka Rollins grasp around his shadow summoner that he could pick at until she was released.

He just had to locate that crack, and with a man as smart as Pekka Rollins, that was no easy task.

Kaz had started to spiral into complete deterioration. It was one of the consequences of focusing purely on one task. He slept for a measly hour per night until he was awoken in a cold sweat after dreaming of Winnie crying out for his help.

Hearing her scream in his dreams was enough to pull himself away from his exhausted state and put himself back to work.

But Kaz was met with nothing but dead ends. He simply couldn't find the crack in Pekka Rollins hold and he was running out of time.

What would Winnie do?

Much to Kaz's annoyance he found himself being consistently impressed with Winnie's intelligence and surprising knack for putting together a plan that was better than his own.

What would she say if she were here?

You're an idiot, Brekker. Can't you see? It's staring right at you.

Kaz let out a small chuckle remembering how she would taunt him. The tone she used that had once made him borderline homicidal he now found himself missing.

What can't I see?

He continued the conversation he was having in his mind. Even if he was aware it was only his imagination, he got to talk to her, to hear her voice.

How to save me.

How do I save you? Tell me.

That would be making it too easy for you, Brekker.

At least point me in the right direction.

Why should I?

Because I want to save you, I need to save you, and I can't work out how.

Who says I want to be saved?

Her playful tone suddenly turned menacing in nature.

I don't need saving, Kaz Brekker. I left because of you. I am happier away from you. Pekka Rollins did me a favour by taking me in, and I was glad to join him.

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