4. A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes

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Baghra had been right about the passageway leading to a ship. It practically got her right onto the skiff with no trouble and with no one the wiser.

She was huddled behind boxes of crates in a small room made entirely of wood and had the slightest scent of whatever was in the crates. The only light came from a small trapdoor above the stairs that she had quietly opened to sneak her way inside.

Wysteria stayed perfectly still and silent. At one point she had sworn she wasn't even breathing.

As she sat there, she began brainstorming what in the Saints she was going to do next.

Everything had gone decently so far, despite the run in with the guards and her using her power on them. Something she had vowed to herself she was not going to do for a very long time once she reached Ketterdam.

Ketterdam. A place full of dangerous people who were twisted in every bad way imaginable. Not to mention mischievous and would do and say anything to control you.

Wysteria knew that she would be a prime suspect for those kinds of people. She had never considered herself to be beautiful, but she didn't think looks would stop the twisted minds of the men that would force themselves upon her.

She also knew that if anyone there learnt of her real identity and her ability, it would be the biggest danger to her safety. A reward would surely be given to the person who returned her to her father, and people in Ketterdam wouldn't hesitate to trade her freedom for a few kruge.

However, despite all these horrible things, Ketterdam could provide her with one incredible one. One she needed and needed badly. A hiding place. If she played her cards right, she could hide there until she found a way to move on further and live the life she had been dreaming of since she was much younger.

She just needed a way to stay in Ketterdam safely, away from the eyes of those who would harm her. But how?

Before she could come up with answers to that question a loud thump from above her made her turn in her spot behind the crates.

She could hear the faint voices of two males. She couldn't see them, so she had no idea if they were Grisha or army. The only thing she did know is that neither one was her father which made her relax ever so slightly.

But the small part of her that relaxed tensed immediately when she heard the trapdoor to the skiff she was hiding in move.

Saints, if you can hear me, please don't have them come down here.

"I mean imagine if she actually escaped that place", one of the men said. Their voices clearer to Wysteria as they came closer to the trapdoor.

"No, no way. It's impossible. That place is crawling with guards and Grisha. It would take a miracle", the other man replied.

Wysteria had to hold back a snicker as she figured out they were talking about her. The men's denial of her ability to escape made her want to reveal herself to them and show that she is more than capable.

"Well, considering they have guards crawling everywhere around here and the General himself searching every boat I'd say the possibility is pretty high. I mean why would they look for someone who isn't lost?"

Holy shit.

Hearing there were guards all over the dock and her father being present caused Wysteria to break out into a panic. Her breathing increased and she could feel her head throbbing intensely. Looking down at the dreaded black ink that flowed up her veins in her hands only made things worse.

She was too caught up in her panicked state that she hadn't heard the two men enter the area where she was and begin moving the crates she was hiding behind.

"Well, I don't buy it. Maybe it's just a new way of keeping us all in line or something".

The man who was denying Wysteria's disappearance grabbed a crate and lifted it to reveal a bright blonde-haired girl staring back at him with a scared look in her eye.

"SAINTS!" the man cried, causing the second man to come running over.

After a moment of silence with the three individuals all staring at one another waiting for the other to act, the first man said, "Dude I totally called it".

"Nah man, how do you even know she's the one they're looking for, we get stowaways all the time", the second man replied.

"How thick are you to not be able to put two and two together. They are looking for a lost Grisha girl and here is a girl hiding in the skiff which would take her across the Fold and help her get away from Ravka and the General", the first man explained.

"Bit of a smart-ass, aren't you?" Wysteria responded to the man which made the two men give her a confused look.

"Look, gentlemen, I'm not looking for any trouble. I'm just a humble girl looking for passage across the Fold to find my long-lost brother who was fighting in the war and then ... went ... missing".

Wysteria began to fake a cry through her lies.

"Please. If you could both find it in your hearts to allow me to remain here without alerting anyone of my presence. I would be more than grateful", she begged.

"I would even be willing to provide two men as handsome as yourselves with a ... reward of sorts", she switched her tone to one that was flirtatious in nature.

She had some practice when she lived at the Little Palace. The Grisha boys there weren't against trying their luck with her despite her father's disapproving and threatening glares.

The two men looked at each other with a gleam in their eyes before returning their glance to the emotional girl who stood before them.

"I guess if a girl as pretty as you requires help from two strong army men like us then who are we to refuse?" one of the men answered.

"Oh Saints! Thank you!" Wysteria cried as she flung her arms around the two men and rolled her eyes once her face was shielded from their vision.

Men. It's too easy.

As she withdrew from the hug, she gave them both a final thanks and wink as they exited back up the stairs and closed the trapdoor leaving Wysteria to think over what she was going to do once she got to the other side.


This chapter is so sort omg I'm embarrassed. Ok soooooo we are so close to the crows and a certain limping man ;) I love how sneaky Winnie is like damn what a queen. Anyways I hope you are still enjoying it and as always leave your thoughts below <3

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