21. Ghosts of the Past

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"Good girl."

Those were the words of approval Winnie was met with when she entered Pekka Rollins' office, behind her Jesper, surrounded by shadows.

When she released him, she saw he was passed out. Perhaps she had applied a bit too much pressure during their tense conversation earlier.

The men in the room took the opportunity to disarm him and tie him up.

It was the same room and even the same chair that Winnie herself had been placed in when she was first jumped and bought to Pekka Rollins.

She felt an overwhelming sense of guilt knowing it was her who had put him there.

But she knew he wouldn't stay there for long. Not if she had anything to do with it.

Winnie had taken the chance to formulate a plan in her mind as she travelled back to the Emerald Palace.

The one she had come up with was unhinged, filled with holes, and had many points that could go horribly wrong and wind up with Jesper dead and her back in her father's grip.

Kaz would laugh at it if he were here.

But it was all she had time to think of, and so she had to improvise.

One of Pekkas men who Winnie now knew as Furlin had taken Yurians place, leaving him, Alexi and Pekka as the only three men Winnie would have to beat.

She would have accounted for Jesper's help, but she couldn't make her move until after they had roughed him up a bit. They had to believe she was on their side first. She expected that Jesper would be out of action after the third strike, considering his nature to wind people up.

"Wake him", Pekka turned to Winnie.

"I don't know how. I can't just reverse a smothering", she replied.

Pekka turned to Alexi and gave him a nod, causing him to take a step forward and hit Jesper around the head, awaking Jesper immediately.

"Jesper Fahey. I've bought you here to answer a very important question", Pekka spoke.

Jesper glanced up from the floor and Winnie saw a glint in his eyes she recognised all too well.

"Firstly, you didn't bring me here, she did", he gestured his head towards Winnie. "Secondly, the only question I would even consider answering from you is if you asked me who my tailor is because your little get up really isn't screaming, I'm an asshole as much as it should be."

Pekka let out a familiar scoff. One that Winnie had learnt meant, you're in for it.

Furlin clearly recognised what it meant too as he took a hard swing at Jespers stomach.

Winnie put every ounce of effort into remaining still, to not flinch, look away, or reach over and strangle Pekka Rollins.

Jesper coughed intensely and eventually raised his gaze again to meet Winnies eyes before looking back to Rollins.

"Any word out of your mouth that isn't an answer to my question will land you another one of those punches. Eventually, I'll get bored and let Furlin have a knife in his hand for one of them", Pekka warned.

Jesper remained silent.

"Now, where were we? Right, my question. You see, Mr Fahey, whilst my little shadow summoner over here has had a change in loyalties from you to us, she remains tight lipped about the real information I need. No matter what I try, she doesn't seem to budge. I would say I admire her resilience considering what we have put her through so far, but I simply think it's her stupidity clouding her judgement", Pekka began.

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